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The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

I''ve posted the following a few posts back:
They showed that the Senator dude from the last movie was a mutant, but they didn't do anything with it. Why?

Somebody replied to this statement that he didn’t understand what is meant by this, since the senator dies in the first film. But I think I know what’s being hinted at. There has been some debate over the senator’s death scene, who says he died? We all assumed it, Storm assumed it. But like Magneto says near the end of the movie: “Are you sure you saw what you think you saw?” (or something similar).

What if the senator didn’t die? What if turning to water was part of his next evolutionary step in becoming a mutant? Maybe in a next film he’ll learn (or has already learned, off camera) how to rematerialise himself into human form. It makes sense, especially when you look at the very tiny role for the actor in X2. Why would he reprise his role of Kelly for such an insubstantial part, unless he got confirmation that he would return for a next movie with a much bigger substantial part.

There have been a couple of replies to this, like:

At the end of X1 they make it clear that it's Mystique who's the senator... and they glowed his eyes in the same fashion in X2 to again indicate that it's Mystique.

Of course, I agree to this. Of course we see Mystique impersonating senator Kelly in this movie, as is established at the end of the first movie and by the yellow glow in his eyes in this movie. That wasn’t the point I was trying to make.

The point was this: the REAL senator Kelly presumably died in the first movie when he turned into water. But what if this was his real mutant power? What if his power is to be able to turn yourself into water (probably being able top move around in this state) and re-materialise yourself back into human form when you want to? When you follow this theory - Kelly didn’t die, he just went into his next evolutionary mutation. Only problem is that he has to gain control of his new power, to be able to turn himself back into human form.

It is only a theory, but when correct – the REAL senator Kelly might return in the next movie. Perhaps to kick Mystique out of his office. How do like this storyline: the senator exposes Mystique, and a huge outcry rises when people find out a mutant has been infiltrating into the government. Senator Kelly (who doesn’t mention to the press he’s a mutant now too) uses the mass-hysteria to run for president. He wins the election from the old president (the same as in X2), because the old president is in favour of mutant rights (because of his talk with Xavier in X2). The newly elected president Kelly uses his new found power to take revenge on Magneto and all mutants, and gives the order for mutant registration. All mutants will be tracked down by huge robots named Sentinels……………..

Hmmmm, this story idea isn’t very probable, but hey, at least this possibility has Sentinels in it.

But I think my theory about the senator’s alleged death is probable to say the least.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

I'm Hathor...I've been lurking about a while and finally decided to say hi -- Hi :). I'm a big fan of B5 and Crusade (Captain Gideon -- be still my beating heart) -- But that is not what I am posting about. I have a question regarding X2. Regarding Jean Grey. She presumably dies at the end of the movie -- but of course she can't be dead. I read somewhere that she returns as the Phoenix? (In the comics that is), is that true and can anyone tell me what that is al about? Oh and also I believe Rogue turns bad? (again this is from the comics).

Hope someone is willing and able to give me the answers :)
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Yep, the Phoenix appearing in the next flick seems to be the consensus amongst fans. Also, I think right at the end, during Gray's narrated epilogue, you can see an outline of a bird-like shape in the water.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Yep, the Phoenix appearing in the next flick seems to be the consensus amongst fans. Also, I think right at the end, during Gray's narrated epilogue, you can see an outline of a bird-like shape in the water.

Ah right...so that is what the white shadow was in the water!

Oh that is sure to cause sparks to fly between Cyclops and Wolverine, when she returns. Unless they don't know who she is?

What of Rogue -- do you know how or why she turns bad?

Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Don't know anything about Rogue. There could be many reasons why she would turn bad, what with her ability to suck other people's powers into herself. Maybe she could suck evil.

Oh man, that last thing sounded so NC-17. :devil:

I never read the comics, so I'm no expert. I only know that I think Wolverine and Beast are two really ass-kicking bad-asses.

It looks like they really want to draw out this series as much as possible. Usually this would bug me, but they've been doing such a good job so far that I actually look forward to part 3. They keep the story open enough to make a sequel actually make sense (Magneto and Mystique are still alive and strong, with Pyro as their new ally, so no Friday the 13th type dumbass resurrections here). Plus, they saved a couple of cool characters that they can add in, like Beast, Gambit, and Collossus.

This franchise maybe the first in movie history to have a good second sequel.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Don't know anything about Rogue. There could be many reasons why she would turn bad, what with her ability to suck other people's powers into herself. Maybe she could suck evil.

This franchise maybe the first in movie history to have a good second sequel.

That I have to agree with. I wasn't let down with this sequel as I have been countless times with others! Don't get me started on those!

And I would love to see an X3. I know Hugh Jackman has said in an interview that the stars were only contracted for two movies, but he would love to do another. I am sure the same goes for the rest of the cast.

Would be interesting to see just what they go with in/if they do a third! A dual by fire and ice between Pyro and Iceman? I'm thinking little Bobby could get his butt whipped or would that be melted? :devil: And of course would love to see more of Nightcrawler, without a doubt my favourite new introduction in X2. Alan Cummings did a fantastic job bringing him to life!

As for little Miss Rogue...being new to the board and all and trying to uphold, for the moment, the illusion that I am a good girl. I'll refrain from an obvious comment...

So just how much of a bad ass is Wolverine anyway? :D

Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

I'm a big fan of B5 and Crusade (Captain Gideon -- be still my beating heart)

Hands off, he's mine :devil:

So just how much of a bad ass is Wolverine anyway?

Nothing bad about that ass at all ;) Looked damned good to me :D
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Hands off, he's mine :devil:

Possession is nine tenths of the law...But if you play nice, I might be willing to share with you... :devil:

Nothing bad about that ass at all ;) Looked damned good to me :D

:LOL: Ah yes indeed...he has a very nice asset there ;)

Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

So just how much of a bad ass is Wolverine anyway?

Almost as much as the mighty GKarsEye himself. I wouldn't mind him covering my back in a fight.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

I wouldn't mind him covering my back in a fight.

I wouldn't mind him covering my... Oops, wrong forum :devil:
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Almost as much as the mighty GKarsEye himself. I wouldn't mind him covering my back in a fight.

No doubt there a lot of people who wouldn't mind that. Hell, I wouldn't mind him scratching my back -- Ah...heading to dangerous ground again ;)

Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

My only complaint remains being that of most of you not taking either the time or effort to actually read through the entire thread of mine, if all of you would have done so then there would be a lot less questions remaining floating about to be answered and a lot less similar postings! :p And then there wouldn't be any need for me to quote myself from some of my previous postings above... so, go read them :p, but before I get down to re-discussing those particular aspects of the movie... again ...I have a couple of more thoughts to share that's generated from the following variety of different postings.

Originally posted by Malakian82:
Funny thing is, I heard nobody commenting about Jubilee (in the 'prisoner pit' with the other children). Storm even calls out her name.

In the last movie, he seemed to be on a leash. As if Singer was afraid that Wolverine would not be likeble if he used his claws too much (which is probably right). But in this movie, he slices and dices and I like it,...

I want 'em! The next movie should have them, but due to Xavier's speech to the president - and the introduction of the Phoenix story, we'll probably won't get 'em. A pity.

(1)Jubilee was actually present in a lot more scenes than just that one you were referring to, Malakian, but I am sure that you had noticed this and you only used that particular scene as reference since that was the most prominent Jubilee moment one of them all. And not only did Storm call out to Jubilee, Jubilee was the one that answered back.

(2)I would have to disagree with you on your thought that you think that Singer kept the Wolverine character on a leash during X-Men, since one has to keep in mind once again that we are talking here about a trilogy story at the very least and as with most or all of these types one needs an introduction to such a big franchise that holds over 40 years of history and continuity. Yes, people complaint about X-Men having been too slow and too dull and too boring, but it was noting more than an introduction to this world of mutants so that with the first movie one could attract both your loyal fan and your general movie-goer while giving them both a new-found respect. But mostly it meant that with the sequel one could jump straight into the slicing and dicing action without having to worry about any explanations.

(3)I believe that there might still be a chance for the fans to see some big ass robots running around town. Yes, in the end it does all depend on what Singer has had in mind all this time and which actors will remain loyal to their respective characters and contracts, but Singer's main concern has always been to provide for the fans something that they'll all respect. Most people yawned on when they heard that X2 would essentially be a continuation of Wolverine's struggle, but it turned out that that wasn't the only story arch and therefore we were all surprised by a tale wherein Xavier became the bad guy and Magneto the good guy for a while as within the comics, and a story that related quite heavily to a novel, "God Loves, Man Kills"!

Originally posted by Glacophane:
I saw a few cameos..I caught the Beast/Hank McCoy on the tv. Jubiliee in the pit and also Remy/Gambit by name only on the computer monitor when Mystique is breaking into the facility.

Can someone help me with this...didn't Senator Kelly eventually help to create Genosha?

(1)The 'computer monitor' -scene would be one of a great many reasons why I would want the DVD... right now! :D If you have got a fast eye and you plan to see X2 again, watch out for this particular scene earlier on in the movie where Mystique breaks and enters into Stryker's security facility (in New York I guess) in her attempt to plan an escape route for Magneto. While Mystique is busy on the computer she calls forth a mutant fact sheet document including a couple of names. During those mere 2 seconds you should led your eyes slide along the list, not only can you spot a name like Remy LeBeau (Gambit) but also others like Sam Guthrie (Cannonball) for example.

(2)I am guessing that you actually had the Sentinels in mind when you referred to Genosha since Genosha is really nothing more than an island located somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Sentinels, whom the first of were designed to track and capture mutants, were created by noted anthropologist Bolivar Trask. There are obvious links and also very confusing links, so it all depends what you had in mind.

Originally posted by Sinclair:
I thought the whole raid on the mansion was spectacular, with Colossus and Siren. The Hank McCoy/Beast cameo was nice, as was seeing Remy/Gambit's name on that computer screen.

I would have to say that Colossus was either a favorite of one of the writers, but more likely would be that Singer and Hayter and Penn all quite possibly wanted to keep even tighter continuity towards, "God Loves, Man Kills" than what we could understand as well as then having this particular character in the movie franchise for any quite likely sequel. I would have to admit that either way I could have done with more Colossus :D, but this character would not have worked in this chapter of the story, not yet anyways. Now that he has been introduced it is quite another story. Siren having been introduced as one of the innocent bystanding school kids worked quite well too, along with Colossus having carried her down the mansion passage way. And then we also got to see some more of Kitty Pride again, or Shadowcat or even Sprite if you like... though I think she went by plain Kitty in the movie of course. :D

Originally posted by AntonyF:
I feel, once again, I want to see a series of this. Of course these actors wouldn't be in it. But they're good characters.

The original cast originally signed contract for 3 movies if X-Men were to turn out as a success, and since the movie hit the target we got to have X2. As far as I have read, everyone is now more keen than ever except Singer said that apparently Halle Berry will not reprise her role as Storm... again. I smell some 'Oscar' -fever having gone to someone's head, but she's made it to the top so I guess she can, it's not my business to tell.

I think a series would ruin the atmosphere that has been created here by Bryan Singer, though it would be nice if and only if both the cast and crew could remain exactly the same. They all have too busy schedules in any event. I mean, they have to start working on X3 afterall! :D

Originally posted by Demon:
I think Alan Cummings did a great job of Nightcrawler, but isn't he a younger character in the comics? One of the kids rather than the teachers? Somehow he comes across older in the movie.

That is Alan Cumming... without the 's', don't worry though since I used to make the same mistake every time. :p;)

Kurt Wagner resembled a demon look since birth and because of that his mother, Mystique, hurled him over a waterfall to save her own life from fearful villagers. Kurt was discovered by a gypsy queen and raised in a traveling circus where he knew happiness and peace for a while until the circus was bought out and he had to flee. Kurt made his way to a German village where eventually they thought him responsible for a spate of murders. The town's people were about to kill Kurt when they were psionically paralyzed by Professor X, who had come to recruit Kurt for the X-Men. Nightcrawler now dedicates himself to a higher calling as a priest in training. As far as I know Nightcrawler was also part of Excalibur as well for a while, alongside Kitty Pride and Phoenix amongst others.

Nightcrawler teleports himself, his clothing and a certain amount of additional mass from one point to another almost instantaneously. He leaves behind smoke and the smell of burning brimstone, actually atmosphere from the unknown dimension through which he travels. Nightcrawler's infallible spatial awareness enables him to avoid teleporting into solid matter, which could cripple or kill him. As a result, he generally teleports only to places he can see or those he knows well. Through practice, Nightcrawler has increased the amount of mass he can teleport with him. Nightcrawler's spine is more flexible than that of an ordinary human, allowing him to perform contortionist-like feats and spend much of his time in a semi-crouching position without damaging his posture. Due to the dark coloration of his fur, he can blend into deep shadows.

But most importantly of all Nightcrawler goes... *bamfs* ...as he teleports, a sound X2 created to the bone.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Okay, here goes:

Originally posted by Glacophane:
I'm not sure if I understand this one but yes in the first one Magneto turned the Senator into a mutant and then he died at the mansion. I'm assuming that between the time of the Senator's death and the beginning of the second movie, Mystique was playing him, keeping him alive to counteract the mutant registration act.

Originally posted by AntonyF:
At the end of X1 they make it clear that it's Mystique who's the senator... and they glowed his eyes in the same fashion in X2 to again indicate that it's Mystique.

I know it's not a major role, but I assumed it was just a bridge between the two and not a major plot point.

Once again I will state that X2 is essentially a continuation of its prequel, X-Men and therefore these two individual movies should be seen as one story. It has been 3 years since we received the first chapter of this new franchise and because of that most people are making the mistake of living themselves into this type of thinking. In the actual time passage of the movie it's only been about just over a month or two at most. And we know this since we are drawn a picture of circumstances when Scott attends to Jean just after she had a power surge in her ability (which influenced anything and everything electronically in her surrounding realm) at the museum. Scott comforts her and talks about how she wasn't even able to lift a simple object about a month prior and about how her nightmares that made her whole room shift whereupon Jean then confirmed that she hadn't been the same after the Liberty Island incident. We have to relive ourselves into the story. Jean had but just engaged cerebro, she had but just said goodbye to Logan, and Mystique had but just recovered from the stab wounds to pose as Senator Kelly once again to somehow plan an escape for Magneto. Why do you think Mystique posing as Kelly was so over eager for information from Stryker when he revealed that he was the man responsible for building the stronghold prison that keeps Magneto.

I have always been open to the suggestion that the real Senator Kelly is still alive somehow, especially since Magneto asked Xavier during the final prison chess sequence in X-Men if he (Xavier) was sure about not having seen what he wanted to. But once again that particular chess scene sequence and dialogue paved the way for X2 in so many ways. There is a lot of links and crossovers, but only if you are willing to look and willing to think.

Originally posted by Jade Jaguar:
It didn't seem necessary for Jean Grey to sacrifice herself to save the others. She could have done what she did from inside the ship, or just lifted the ship above the flood while she repaired it. They easily could have shown some reason for this, instead of the lame "She made a choice" thing.

Also, it was clear to me at the end from Prof. X's actions, that he sensed that Jean Grey was still alive. And I agree that they are setting up for Dark Phoenix.

You just contradicted yourself, but hey okay for now...

Originally posted by PsionTen:
Some people have surmised that it was actually Jean Grey's out-of-control powers that kept the X-Jet from working... like when she made all those electronic gizmos go crazy earlier. And that she had to leave the plane in order for it to work.

Originally posted by Jade Jaguar:
PsionTen, I agree that Jean's presence inhibiting the ship would be a good explanation, and I think they should have made that clear, infact, I think SHE should have made that clear to the others, to try and halt their attempts to save her, that would have made sense.

Originally posted by GKarsEye:
Yep, the Phoenix appearing in the next flick seems to be the consensus amongst fans. Also, I think right at the end, during Gray's narrated epilogue, you can see an outline of a bird-like shape in the water.

Okay, so you people don't only not read my postings, you don't really pay attention to the movie content either... tsk, tsk, tsk! :p It is not a question of whether the Phoenix will appear in the next movie, the Phoenix has already appeared... during X2!. That particular Scott and Jean scene in the museum, which I elaborated about at the top of this post, wasn't just thrown in there because Bryan Singer felt like it... YES, Jean's powers quite literally short circuited upon itself making her loose focus and control over her powers while her extreme powers caused interference on anything and everything electrical. And they didn't make Jean's eyes glow red 4 times because they thought it would make her look pretty... it WAS the fire of the Phoenix burning from within. If you still don't believe me then maybe it's about time that you should start thinking of staying seated after having just watched a movie and then actually read the end credits as well as to so spot the "MUTANT POWERS & PHOENIX SEQUENCES" title amongst the special effects list in a movie like X2. :p Next thing you should try and do is to listen to the actual words that Jean's narrating at the very end of X2 before the end credits. Not only are the words a reference and an exact piece of the introduction dialogue narrated by Xavier at the beginning of X-Men, it is also to explain what is happening with her character while one is looking at a Phoenix shape in the water.

"Every few millennia evolution takes a leap forward!"

It was necessary for Jean to sacrifice herself, her powers had been accumulating and lying dormant and all of a sudden a life threatening crisis moment forced her to become exposed to the entire extent of powers which she could not begin to control. Had she been in the Blackbird she would have taken every single fellow X-Man and child with her. And not only because her own burnout caused a power surge throughout the Blackbird's operating system, but the rage and fire burning within her was ultimately too dangerous for anyone to be around her. The river was the only other extreme force to counteract the power of the emerging Phoenix. And even if the others knew, some of them would just have gotten hurt. The situation wasn't a matter of Jean having gained these powers, but rather a matter of not being able to focus and control such a great gift. And it is for us to figure these things out, otherwise what is the point of going for a movie that is based on a good story. What we saw at the end of X2 isn't that far away from the actual real deal either, maybe having a bit more insight will help as well:

"When the government unleashed a second iteration of Sentinels, the androids abducted Jean and the X-Men, and imprisoned them in an orbiting space station. The team escaped to Earth in a space shuttle but were forced to fly through a lethal solar-radiation storm. Because the pilot's cabin lacked sufficient shielding, Jean insisted on flying the shuttle, reasoning that her powers would protect her. The solar radiation, however, proved too great for her to hold back. Already succumbing to the agonizing effects of radiation poisoning, Jean was touched by the cosmic being known as the Phoenix Force. The entity created a body for itself that was identical to Jean's, duplicated her memories and personality, and absorbed a portion of her consciousness. It then guided the shuttle to a crash-landing in Jamaica Bay off New York City. The Phoenix Force placed the real Jean in suspended animation within a cocoon-like pod resting on the bottom of the bay."

So, it wasn't exactly a space shuttle... but the Blackbird is near enough, being alien technology and all! :p
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Mageologist, I DID read all of the posts in this thread, including yours. I did not contradict myself, in that I believe that Jean Grey believed she was sacrificing herself in order to save the rest, so it is no contradiction that she did survive.

I did pay attention to the film as well, and of course noticed the red eyes. I interpret this to mean that the Phoenix is beginning to emerge. To my mind, she is not fully formed or sufficiently realized, so she is still Jean Grey, although they are quite obviously setting the stage for the Phoenix to completely emerge in the next film. If you choose to say the the Phoenix appeared in X2, well, I disagree, but you are entitled to your opinion.

I, too, agree that the Senator could well be alive. We saw him turn into water, but for all we know, this was part of his evolution as a mutant, and he was later able to reform, and control his form. I don't think we can be certain that this will prove to be so, but it is a tantalizing possibility.

I always stay until the credits have completely finished. I time films too. X2 was 134m, IIRC. To me, the simple reference to the "Phoenix Sequences" doesn't prove that she was really the Phoenix yet. They would hardly call them 'the sequences where Jean Grey begins to exhibit the powers of the Phoenix,' even though that would be a more accurate discription, IMO.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

Oh man, I've just been slammed by an X-Men fan for my lack of understanding of this deep saga. I feel so dissed, how will I ever be cool again?
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

No problem. All I have to do is some sit-ups and paint my body blue.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

So, you already have the fur and the big feet? They are the best part.
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread


And, you know, the genius and superior athleticism, too. :D
Re: The official X²:Mutants United (Spoiler) Thread

I've always wanted to paint my body green, put on some tattered purple shorts, and go as the Hulk. I'm a bit too old and out of shape to do it there days though.

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