A thread for those who watch BSG to talk about Season 3. Considering the title of the thread, if any UK or Euro folks who don't have access to Season 3 yet, come in here and read something, its your own fault.
Anyway, what does everyone think? I finally saw the premier. I'll be honest, while the S2 finale twist was neat, I'm not a big fan of this whole "occupation" direction the show is taking, and I hope they get away from it after the writers do their obligatory "social commentary on the war on terror." My biggest beef is why the hell would the humans decide to settle down on THAT shithole planet? Doesn't look like the place I would want to colonize, thats for sure.
Seeing Apollo fat is kinda funny. Its like he had a plastic implant in his cheek. Oh, and he married that one chick, whose name I cant remember.
Perhaps the biggest moment in the premier is the apparent murder of Roslin and Richard Hatch's character, among some others. Killing her off (if she is indeed dead) is in some ways a bold move, and in other ways the right one. I think her integral part in the show is over anyway. Also, with conditions how they are, Hatch's character isn't really needed as much anymore either. Still, I liked their dialogue just before they got mowed down, the part about him wishing she did rig the election and she agreeing with him. So true. Sometimes you do have to do the wrong thing for the right reasons (which is ironic because that is what the cylon was trying to tell Baltar). Although...Baltar is a coward and only has his own interests in mind, where Roslin did have the whole human race in mind and clearly should have stolen the election for many reasons.
So I guess we will see how long they go with this "occupation": theme. I hope its not too long, only half a season or so, but we will see.
What did you guys think?
A thread for those who watch BSG to talk about Season 3. Considering the title of the thread, if any UK or Euro folks who don't have access to Season 3 yet, come in here and read something, its your own fault.
Anyway, what does everyone think? I finally saw the premier. I'll be honest, while the S2 finale twist was neat, I'm not a big fan of this whole "occupation" direction the show is taking, and I hope they get away from it after the writers do their obligatory "social commentary on the war on terror." My biggest beef is why the hell would the humans decide to settle down on THAT shithole planet? Doesn't look like the place I would want to colonize, thats for sure.
Seeing Apollo fat is kinda funny. Its like he had a plastic implant in his cheek. Oh, and he married that one chick, whose name I cant remember.
Perhaps the biggest moment in the premier is the apparent murder of Roslin and Richard Hatch's character, among some others. Killing her off (if she is indeed dead) is in some ways a bold move, and in other ways the right one. I think her integral part in the show is over anyway. Also, with conditions how they are, Hatch's character isn't really needed as much anymore either. Still, I liked their dialogue just before they got mowed down, the part about him wishing she did rig the election and she agreeing with him. So true. Sometimes you do have to do the wrong thing for the right reasons (which is ironic because that is what the cylon was trying to tell Baltar). Although...Baltar is a coward and only has his own interests in mind, where Roslin did have the whole human race in mind and clearly should have stolen the election for many reasons.
So I guess we will see how long they go with this "occupation": theme. I hope its not too long, only half a season or so, but we will see.
What did you guys think?