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The HBO/Teep War rumor is FALSE

Just because it has turned up elsewhere:


The "clipping" is a fake; somebody's idea of a joke. (Seriously, Oscar [tm], winner Charlize Theron and "A" list film hottie Elisha doing a dorky little SF project for HBO and no money? I don't think so. Some contemporary drama about a legless lesbian mountain-climber, sure - something with "Emmy' written all over it, but not B5.)

JMS's response was unambiguous:

I'd been warned this might come along... it's somebody's idea of a joke. Nothing here is accurate. There is no such project.


Pity. I was prepared to pay the man a hefty sum to let me come to wherever they were shooting and help out in the wardrobe department. :)

Just wanted to scotch this one before it gainied any traction.

Not a bad fake, as such things go. The hoaxer should have chosen a publication that doesn't have an on line edition, though. It is too easy to check a "clipping" against the e-version of the paper and expose such an obvious fake.

Sorry if anyone got his/her hopes up.

That doesn't surprise me I knew in the back of my mind it was false .Nothing for JMS has ever come out need I say Rangers,TMOS or even Crusade..
lol ... hmmm, funny that someone did it with the Ottawa paper ... and no wonder it is fake, haven't seen or heard a thing about that locally. Can comfirm %100 when I get home that this clipping isn't in the paper of course ;)

[when I first read this post, I just assume the Citizen printed bad information, not that the clipping itself was fake]


The picture in that link of the newspaper article is quite possibly the worst Photoshop job I have ever seen. I'm not sure how anyone could have believed that to be real...
I just assume(d) the Citizen printed bad information, not that the clipping itself was fake

Nope, the whole thing is a fake. In fact, the story from "Monday November 14th" apparently first went up on Saturday the 12th, and it was being discussed on-line on Sunday the 13th, well ahead of when a Monday newspaper page would be assembled and type-set.

Seems someone just wanted to see how many people s/he could get to bite on the fake story. Like I said, more believeable details might have helped.


Well, now we may be just be getting into personal preferences for blondes or darker complected women.

Which is OK, either way. :cool: :D
Quite frankly I don't see why they can't both be telepaths. ;)

Bisexual telepaths. :D (I think this is heading for NC-17 Territory)

And I don't see any reason to exclude Charlize from this fantasy film. There's no rule to say there can't be three female guest stars.

[BTW, I believe my various postings in NC-17 should absolve me of any taint of bias when it comes to lusting after women. Blonde, brunette, redhead (especially), short, tall, buxom, slim, Nubian princess or woman of pallor, I'm an equal opportunity dog. My bias is toward feminine beauty itself, not any particular flavor or shade thereof.]

What's Catherine Bell doing these days? :D Halle Berry? ;)

