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The Coming of Shadows...(spoilers)



ok, i was watching some old b5 episodes with my fiance (who ive hooked on the show) last night and she pointed out something that i never noticed before. you see she's the type who always notices that one anoying thing in each movie or tv show that doesnt make sense. this has been bothering the @#$! out of me for the past day so maybe someone else will notice too and i can get it off my chest.

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> well in the season 2 episode "the coming of shadows" right after the emporer collapses we skip to a scene of two of the centauri telepath twins on centauri prime going to the prime minister to inform him of the emporers fall, we see for a brief second that the prime minister is sitting IN THE EMPORERS CHAIR and speaking to two mimbari and a human that reminds me a whole lot of Morden or Justin. the human obviously is not morden but he just has that creepy vibe </font></td></tr></table>

so my question is WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!? i know its kind of weird but these things just bother me. if anyone has anything to contribute please do...

Who do you Serve and Who do you Trust?
I'm not sure but try going to the lurker's guide website. They probably thought the same thing and asked JMS.

If I tell you that everything I say is a lie, am I telling the truth?
thank you tigara, you always do seem to come to my rescue. i have actually tried the lurkers guide, i suppose my link is outdated because it is taking me nowhere, you wouldnt happen to have the current link would you?

Who do you Serve and Who do you Trust?
I don't see the problem.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
From the Lurkers Guide:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> What was with the human and Minbari in the throne room?
They were discussing possible use of a world on the fringe of Centauri space for something of, they hoped, benign use. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

under normal circumstances i would now kick myself very hard for not thinking to check the lurkers guide first, but this still doesnt answer my question about who that human was and who he was representing. this just seems to me to be another typical cryptic JMS answer that we will either never know the answer to, will not know the answer to for a long time, or already do know but just dont know we know. a sneaky one, that JMS...

Who do you Serve and Who do you Trust?


oh, i do hate these little mysteries. they give me terrible pain, right here! (frantically massages his temples)

Who do you Serve and Who do you Trust?
thank you oncemore tigara...

Who do you Serve and Who do you Trust?
The world he is referring to is(I think)the ranger training world from the first ep of season 3(ep name?)that was located on the border of Drazi and Centauri space.

If I tell you that everything I say is a lie, am I telling the truth?
Your welcome Godkiller. Anything to make you happy

If I tell you that everything I say is a lie, am I telling the truth?
that would make sense, that the centauri under the new regime (influenced by the shadows, of course) would attack something that the prime minister of the old regime had given away to the rangers. especially since the centauri were attacking the drazi, and just about everyone else, at that time. that would explain the mimbari pressence, but not the human, who just doesnt strike me as the ranger type. perhaps it was something a little more clandestine on the part of the rangers: like an attempt to gain a foothold and base within centauri space, of course before their complicity in the attacks on the narn were revealed. perhaps the rangers already knew what was going on with the centauri and wanted to plant an agent or gather further intelligence, the possibilities are endless...
...oh, there's that pain again...

Who do you Serve and Who do you Trust?
Umph...I know where you're at with those pains. I get 'em when I try to read the un-annotated version of "Great Expectations" JMS is one slippery guy. I'm glad I wasn't around when B5 first came out. I'd probably have gone mad with confusion and anticipation. Although, that's what I'm feeling now with Rangers.

If I tell you that everything I say is a lie, am I telling the truth?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> who just doesnt strike me as the ranger type. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perfect person for Covert Ops.
Someone who Doesn't look like a Spy.

The Most Effective "intelligence agent" in WW2 wasn't a "James Bond" sort.
It was an Insurance Salesman.
He got the Blueprints for better than Half the German War Machine (ie, the Factories).
He didn't Steal them.
He went to their Insurance Companies and Copied all the blueprints and other papers from the files the insurance companies kept to show what their Fire Insurance policies covered.

A short, chubby Accountant with bad eyesight who just blends into the background and gets Ignored is the perfect Spy.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."

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