Don't mourn the loss of "Into The Fire" or its constituent parts yet, folks. As pointed out above, WB is hitting the big ol' reset button on the B5 licensing, and for good and obvious reasons: it's heating up again! The TV movie/series pilot for which this site was made didn't come about because of kind hopes, gentle wishes or even letter campaigns (if the latter were the case, this would a Crusade site most likely!). The fact is that B5 has been a money-maker for SCI FI and they want to see if they can make even more money with a new B5 product. This is a Good Thing, 'cause economics make the world go round and that factor is squarely in our favor. This well could be the beginning of the oft-prophesied B5 renaissance, similar to that of Star Trek fandom after the original series' abortive run. Look at Crusade: why would SCI FI be running it weekly after the inital stripped run if it WASN'T popular enough to draw good ratings?
This is ALL to the good, folks, and it'll begin to build upon itself, so that it's well possible that we'll get another game in short order. And depending on the contracts, we just might get Into The Fire. I can't imagine WB would allow so much to be put into the game, including the FMV and Christopher Franke soundtrack and NOT retain SOME kind of rights to all of it. It could be as simple as WB saying to Sierra, "Hey, make us a B5 game! We'll hook you up with access to JMS, CGI ship models, Franke for new music, and what the heck, we'll even get some of the series actors to film some sequences for you. Of course, we'll own the whole magilla, lot, stock and barrel, but you get a nice healthy chunk of the profits to develop and market the game." Hell, considering they never even finished the game, WB might eventually be able to shop it to some other house to polish it off and send it out. Okay, so the grass-roots effort has come to naught, but never ignore how much can be done with a good healthy profit as motivation!
"The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements:
energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest." -- G'Kar, "Survivors"