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The B5 official magazines published by Titan being ripped off

Triple F

I have a hypothetical question for everyone who is likely to read this thread.

A fair few of you will know the ‘fan site’ I put together for Babylon 5. It’s a long work in progress – a hobby.

One of the reasons why it is so factually based with interviews and the like is because, as a newbie, I couldn’t find much in the way of interesting information on the show, other than jms’s archive of posts.

B5 has largely disappeared from the internet. No new shows are likely to appear in the near future, if ever, and what little merchandise was created for it has long since disappeared off the shelves. Included amongst that is the official B5 magazine from Titan. I mention it because it seemed to have contained a fair bit of information from a wide variety of sources.

I can guess at what the initial knee-jerk reactions to this question will be, but take a breathe for second to think about it first before jumping on my neck twenty different ways.

If someone was to create downloadable pdf’s of the magazines (out of print for what, 8 years?) would anyone else who hasn’t got copies of them find them interesting. Would anyone demand the head of the person doing it on a platter (don’t say jms, WB or Titan would – I’m asking what you think).

I’m sure the person considering this wouldn’t consider doing anything like it for the script books, etc. They cost ‘real’ money to purchase and represent a potential investment for those who like to buy and sell things. But these mags go for less than £1 (about a buck 65) on e-bay and the contents are never likely to be read by 99% of on-line fans.

Personally I’m of the opinion that if anyone wants to seriously complain on a copyright basis they’d be doing it as a matter of principle rather than a serious accusation of effecting income, etc. New issues of the magazines are not available in any medium – print or digital. The things don’t generate any income for anyone, and haven’t for nearly a decade – and whoever did it would not be making money from it either via direct subscription or even google ads. (and I believe that’s part of the argument against ‘fair usage’).

They’d simply be provided as something that non-long term or hardcore fans could view, download and enjoy. Though the, I paid for it so why should others get it for free, would be interesting to hear.

Anyhoo, anyone have any opinions on this hypothetical question.

(oh yeah, does anyone have any preference to which wall I should stand against while waiting for the firing squad).
As soon as you get permission from either A)every contributor or B)from Titan, I'm in favor. Until then...nope.

And...North wall, I think. Better light. :p

Agreed with Jan, its the creators work at stake. Would I pay for someone to re-publish it all, either digitally or in a collectors edition ? Quite possibly.
Don’t know. What I’m looking for is opinions on whether it is something that is worth putting the effort into. I know ‘ripped off’ is in the title but do you honestly think (given who the contributors to the site are) I’d do that.

It will be a bloody and most likely futile effort to get permission to provide them as pdf’s that’s why I’m curious to know what your opinions are. (I already know the copyright problems). Warner is the one to concentrate on as the mags were produced under licence. I’ve got it on (very) good authority Titan may have limited and specific concerns (which I believe could be worked round) if any at all.
Don't get me wrong, I'd *love* to see them in that form. Many times I've wished I even had a good list of what's in them since there's a lot of cool stuff that doesn't show up in the table of contents. But only if done properly with permission.

Don't get me wrong, I'd *love* to see them in that form. Many times I've wished I even had a good list of what's in them since there's a lot of cool stuff that doesn't show up in the table of contents. But only if done properly with permission.


Just remember, copyright law was written by Vorlons.

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