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The 4400


I just saw Antony's ad to the left for this show tonight. I checked it out on their website and it looks interesting. It says it is a "limited series." Anyone know what that means? Mini-Series? Series meant to run 1 season? Anyone have any insight on this?
Yep, that's right, 6 hours.

But they're open to a series if it does well.

I should have put the ad up before today. :)
I've been flipping channels back and forth catching a little bit of the first hour here and there, and I think I'm going to watch the second hour all the way through.

I may be reading way too much into it and too quickly, but it almost seems like it has an element of Rising Stars (JMS's comic book, not the B5 episode). Since it may be too early to tell and since this thread doesn't have a spoiler warning, I won't say any more about than that.

USA promoted the hell out of this series, so I was really looking forward to it. After watching the two-hour premiere, I don't quite know what to make of it. I couldn't help but be reminded of Taken, Rising Stars, Close Encounters ... etc, but there was enough going on with some of the characters to keep me interested. Unfortunately, most of the acting was downright terrible and some of the minor things got on my nerves -- (i.e. How in the hell did that woman's ex-husband get a protective order against his wife regarding their daughter? Why was that punk in school so pissed off about something that happened three years ago? How the heck were these people supposed to survive ... public assistance?... etc.)and some of the storyline got on my nerves .. (i.e., did we really need to get into the overdone unexplained pregnancy thing? or have another little girl that knows more than she's letting on?...etc). But I definitely saw enough to keep me interested.
It says it is a "limited series." Anyone know what that means?

On TNT that means cancelled after only 13 episodes have been produced. :LOL:

I missed half of this but was similarly reminded of "Rising Stars", from what I know of it. Yes, we do seem to have another little girl to stand-in for the Dakota Fanning role. And talk about typecasting, but is the star of this not the very same guy from "Taken"?

Sadly, unlike "5IVE DAYS TO MIDNIGHT", we have to wait a whole week between episodes. Damn.
I saw the 4400 last night and felt it was good. Can't wait to see the other people's powers. One of the things I wonder about is if your spouse goes missing for years only to be declared dead and you marry again only to find your first spouse is alive years later, does that mean y'all are still married?
As for the protective order against his ex wife, I think they said the guy was a lawyer who knew how to work the system.
One of the things I wonder about is if your spouse goes missing for years only to be declared dead and you marry again only to find your first spouse is alive years later, does that mean y'all are still married?
The thought occurred to me as well, but I think that after a certain number of years (depending on the state) your nearest living relative (your spouse, if you are married) can have you legally declared dead. If that is what happened (and the spouse subsequently remarried), then one would think that your ex-spouse's sudden reappearence wouldn't change the legality of your current marriage ... god knows there must be precedent for this somewhere (even if you have to go back to pre-historic England). To me, it almost seems like an ex post facto law ... in other words, you can't go back and make someone's past legal behavior at the time (in this case, marriage) illegal behavior in the present (in this case, bigamy).

Another interesting case would be if you divorced your spouse for abadonment, when it turns out that she/he had been kidnapped or abducted.

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