There were lots of little details in the last Psi Corps Trilogy book, but they weren't all that revealing. Bester was put on trial as the most notorious war criminal of the conflict. Psi Corps operated a series of concentration camps, which shocked Humanity when they were revealed. Psi Corps was dissolved and replaced by the Bureau of Telepath Integration, which was like Psi Corps Lite. It was basically the same, and eventually evolved its own enforcement units, which were again known as Psi Cops. Bester, while living as a fugitive, recalls a trap Lyta had set for him on Mars, which he walked into, lost most of his team, and escaped somehow.
One of the B5 Script books had a rough treatment for a Telepath War movie, I forget the name. It was only a few pages, and kind of a tease because it contained the set-up of the story, and then it stopped. The set-up was that Lyta's resistance had increased operations against Psi Corps, mainly using terrorism, assassinations, abductions and other tactics which appalled Sheridan and everyone else paying attention. There's a quick line about mysterious attacks in deep space which involve alien forces, which are connected with the conflict. It all appeared to be spinning out of control, and Sheridan stayed on the sidelines as long as he could manage before being drawn in to try to calm things down. So he arranged a peace conference aboard Babylon 5. Both sides were ready for it, had secret forces in position and intended to use the occasion to ambush one another, bringing the war to Babylon 5.
There are some hints in the trilogy about a Psi Corps coup attempt against EarthGov, and various sources on the 'net seem to have more detail about it. I'm not sure if was embellished by fans or not. I would still love to see the Telepath War story told in any medium. There is so much potential for an intimate, nasty conflict which drags in the Earth Alliance, the Narn, Centauri, ISA and possibly others. It's likely there are many unhappy alien telepaths around the galaxy, longing for freedom. They could be inspired to act against their own governments, which would then have to react, and perhaps coordinate with one another to control the crisis. As told in the trilogy, normals have a long-standing fear of telepaths, and have a history of committing mass murder against them for a variety of reasons, sometimes fear, sometimes superstition. Telepaths know this history and have armed themselves, organized for the inevitable resumption of violence. Clark's dictatorship allowed telepaths unprecedented power to screen normals in the EA security forces, and of course Psi Corps would want to use that opportunity to place sleeper agents for the rainiest of days, when they have to go to war with normals for control of Earth. Such a war would be a must-win proposition for Psi Corps, and they would need as many sleepers as they could put in place. The shock of all these agents being activated inside EarthForce and elsewhere would be terrifying, they would inflict great damage in any number of areas, and the difficulty of getting the Corps back under control would be tremendous.
It would be a chaotic and bloody affair, and a lot of it would be waged on Earth and Earth's colonies, allowing us to see places we hadn't seen much of before, to really explore Earth Alliance territory. It would be quite different from the other wars we have seen in the B5 universe, or anywhere else in fiction. But if filmed, I don't think it could be properly fit into a single movie. It would need a miniseries, maybe between 6 and 12 hours to do it right.