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Teep homeworld

I was just wondering why the telepaths couldn't use the Markab homeworld as their new planet, being as all the Markab race died.

It would seem viable, even if the area was being looted and the jump gate destroyed.

Has anyone thought of this?

I know, it wasn't something JMS considered...but has anyone discussed this before?
Hi, Kara, and welcome. To my knowledge I haven't heard that kicked around before, but my impression was always that Byron and the teeps would have come up with such a simple and elegant solution if they'd just been willing to talk, instead of making threats. I always thought it was going to be some backwater spot in the Minbari Federation, though; this makes even more sense.
There are two issues I can see with using the Markab homeworld.

First, there are millions, possibly billions of dead Markab there. Even if the Drafa Plague couldn't be transmitted from one species to another, there would definitely be other potential diseases from all of the decomposing bodies.

Second, recall that Sheridan destroyed the jumpgate in that area of space. Some ship would have to travel there and build another, which I gather would be an extremely expensive proposition.

Who knows if there might have been another solution if Byron hadn't reacted so badly to the news that the Teeps had been created to fight the Shadows. I always thought it was telling that he preached that the Teeps were better than the normals but when he found out that the Vorlons had meddled, it became obvious that he didn't feel that way at all from his reaction that without that meddling they could have been normal.

It never really was an issue, because the Telepath's demands never taken any more seriously than if a rogue interest group insisted they be given their own country today. Of course, it happens from time to time, such as with the sovereign indian nations, but usually it ends in some kind of standoff.
A Whitestar could have taken the telepaths to the Markab homeworld. If the spaceship is too small then one of the passenger liners with a Whitestar to open a jump point.

One of the explorer vehicles owned by Earthforce could be sent to the planet to build a jump gate. This would attach Teepworld to the Earth Federation in a similar way to 'free' Mars.
Eugh, billions of dead Markab!

I agree, though -- it would have taken a less hotheaded leader than Byron to make this sort of thing happen. And you never know -- maybe it does, down the line somewhere.
I'd have thought with the money Lyta was making from Garibaldi, she could easily have afforded jump capable transports. This would make the Markab planet ideal as an "underground homeworld", so long as the other decomposition related issues were resolvable.

Decomposition of the bodies would be quicker because corpses that are not interred are warmer and more accessible to critters and bugs. Using the human form as an extremely rough gauge, soft tissues would be gone in anywhere from between a few months to a few years (in a temperate climate).

After we deliberately infected a domestic island with Anthrax during research, it took 48 years to declare it safe.

So these are just a few timescales that might be worth considering (even if we are of course talking completely hypotheitcally).

Of course Pak'ma'ra would be at risk because their nervous system worked in a similar way to the Markabs.

I'd say that the minute they rebuilt the jumpgate, they'd be in trouble as it would be like lighting a beacon to everyone else who was on the look out for teeps.

There best bet would be to use a network similar to the Telepath Underground and smuggle people onto the planet in small but significant numbered groups. If they maintained a low enough profile and bred like rabbits, they might get lucky and build up a colony and eventually a planetary population large enough to be the cause of a major diplomatic incident if interfered with (especially as the Interstellar Alliance would be active. Wouldn't Earth have a hard time getting their paws on the teps? Firstly they'd be outside the sovereign jurisdiction of Earth space... and even if Earth played the citizenship card, the teeps could just come back with a vote similar to Mars and Earth would be scuppered. I'm not a lawyer though... and it probably shows.

I also don't think this scenario would be likely because there's a difference between a few blips disappearing beneath the interstellar radar... and a not insignificant chunk of the telepath population disappearing. If enough of the telepaths went missing... you can bet the Corps would be out there doing everything in it's power to account for them.
Who knows if there might have been another solution if Byron hadn't reacted so badly to the news that the Teeps had been created to fight the Shadows. I always thought it was telling that he preached that the Teeps were better than the normals but when he found out that the Vorlons had meddled, it became obvious that he didn't feel that way at all from his reaction that without that meddling they could have been normal.


I think Byron before getting it on with Lyta was a different person to who he became following the intensity of that brief liaison.

Lyta warned him that he'd get burned and I believe he did. I think what he saw coupled with the emotional and telepathic intensity during his union with Lyta slightly cooked him and made him more driven and less reasonable.
I think Byron before getting it on with Lyta was a different person to who he became following the intensity of that brief liaison.

Lyta warned him that he'd get burned and I believe he did. I think what he saw coupled with the emotional and telepathic intensity during his union with Lyta slightly cooked him and made him more driven and less reasonable.

You know, I'd never thought of that possibility. I'd always seen it as an underlying inferiority complex coming out but never thought about the possibility that Lyta was the cause. Hmmm...good thinking!

Well, Franklin did find a cure for the plague, so even if it were to jump species to the human telepaths, a drug would have been available.

As for the blown up jump gate, yea, lyta could have financed a transport ship with its own jump point forming capabilities.

So, imo, the whole Byron wanting the Aligned worlds to give them a place - is moot. he could have just gone there to the Markab homeworld, not B5 and beg them.

but, ya'll are right about the dead bodies. However, they could have had a big bond fire.

That's usually how they cleaned up contaminated bodies isn't it?

Anyway, JMS usually ties up his loose ends. its too bad the telepaths didn't have a home.

but, whatever did happen in the telepath war in the end? Aren't those books?
I'm suddenly very curious about this.

Gruinard Island (it would not surprise me at all if that wikilink rouses crazyhorse from his slumber).

Pity, that... otherwise they'd take care of the decomposition problem free of charge!

Which interestingly and rather grimly, also raises the question if that was exactly why the disease jumped species to Pak'ma'ra aboard B5 in the first place. It does seem rather likely to me.
Well, Franklin did find a cure for the plague, so even if it were to jump species to the human telepaths, a drug would have been available.

But that was effective in dealing with how Drafa attacked Pak'Ma'Ra and Markab nervous systems (nerve signals were transmitted in the synaptic yellow cells of one race and the green cells of another). Humans and most other species don't have fluid based synaptic nervous systems, so the disease would attack differently and would presumably need a modified solution which might take more time than you might suppose, even with a veritable wizard like Franklin.[/quote]

As for the blown up jump gate, yea, lyta could have financed a transport ship with its own jump point forming capabilities.

So, imo, the whole Byron wanting the Aligned worlds to give them a place - is moot. he could have just gone there to the Markab homeworld, not B5 and beg them.

Although give the strength of Sheridan's feelings on the subject of the Markab homeworld, and the medical issues, it really wouldn't surprise me if the sector was quarantined. Byron wouldn't have had the resources to get around that. Lyta two years down the line, probably would.

but, ya'll are right about the dead bodies. However, they could have had a big bond fire.

That's usually how they cleaned up contaminated bodies isn't it?

Yeah but numbers in the billions would be a logistical nightmare. I reckon going to places where skeletonization of Markab corpses would have taken place (the hotter areas of the planet}, would lower the risk of infection from said corpses. However... that same warmth also provides a lush environment for bacteria to multiply...so really it's probably a case of you pays your money you takes your choice.
ok granted, the dead bodies would be a problem

but as someone said, the pak'ma'ra would have taken care of that!

But with the pak'ma'ra being vulnerable to the disease which killed the Marcab, would they have actually been willing to take care of the deceased Marcab bodies?
I don't think the pak'ma'ra would have 'taken care' of the dead Markab. Regardless of how the other races look down on them, they're still a civilized species. Civilized species don't eat the dead of other civilized species.

Gruinard Island (it would not surprise me at all if that wikilink rouses crazyhorse from his slumber).

I did ask for it -- but that link just started me on an hour-long walk through some of humanity's worst moments, not to mention providing me with enough nightmare fuel for the next few weeks.

On the other hand, it also led to some very enlightening pieces of context. Some of Robert Mugabe's ravings suddenly make much more sense -- and even, if you squint at them, some of Jeremiah Wright's.
But with the pak'ma'ra being vulnerable to the disease which killed the Marcab, would they have actually been willing to take care of the deceased Marcab bodies?

Ok, first, franklin concocted an antidote - so i am sure the pak'ma'ra would be injected with some type of alteration of this antidote.

Second, I know that Pak'ma'ra have to have their food dead for 5 days, dunno if they eat bodies that have been dead longer though. :wtf:

And in the ep where Delenn cremates that Mimbari Captain - they were afraid the Pak'ma'ra ate the captain. So I would think they do eat people.

However, good point...maybe someone else has more information on the Pak'ma'ra???
I don't think the pak'ma'ra would have 'taken care' of the dead Markab. Regardless of how the other races look down on them, they're still a civilized species. Civilized species don't eat the dead of other civilized species.


That does rather depend on the context of what one believes constitutes civilised. We have had civilisations that believed in child sacrifice and/or cannibalism. As inhumane, vile and detestable as those practices are... it doesn't alter the fact that for the cultures of the people who were participants, that was the cultural norm... and it didn't seem at all wrong to them.

A few years back a tribe from Fiji apologised to the descendants of a preacher who their ancestors ate (in their historical accounts, everything except his shoes), because he removed a comb from their chieftains head. They believed very strongly that it was unforgivable to touch the head of an elder.

I don't subscribe to moral relativism on issues as abhorrent as that... but even if I believe my culture is superior and right, it doesn't alter the fact that they believed it was right at the time.

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