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Symbol on Minbari forehead


Watched Signs & Portents the other night and although I've seen all the eps many times before, I never gave it much thought - when Morden visits Delenn, a triangle symbol appears on her forehead. The same thing appeared on the Minbari in And The Sky. It is fairly logical to conclude that this Minbari was also Grey Council and that the symbol is some mark they 'wear' ("Everything is 3" etc.).

I was just wondering why it would appear in the presence of Shadows on Delenn, but on the other Minbari, it seemed to be a more permanent feature ? Perhaps Delenn hides it to hide her true position, but why would it appear like that?

I don't recall seeing this appear anywhere else (but I could be wrong /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif).

Any thoughts on this?
I always thought it was a symbol of sorts to say they are in the presence of the shadows.As for why it would be on the forehead of the minbari in And the sky full of stars good question all she was doing was talking to Sinclair.
I've often wondered at this myself. Maybe it shows up at important "moments of revelation." But I've also wondered why a bigger deal isn't made of this. The triangle appears two or three times in the whole series, mostly early on. Then it simply disappears from the arc.
I just had a really good idea - why not re-watch the episode with the commentary by JMS. Sure enough, he has something to say about this - it is some kind of implant that all the Grey Council have to warn them that Shadows are near!

However, this still does not explain the Minbari in 'And The Sky Full Of Stars'. Hmmm....
I suspect that Delenn was using telepathy to bring Sinclair back to normal in "The Sky Full of Stars". The appearance of the triangle may be a side effect of this.

Did the triangle ever reappear after Delenn became human?
Telepathy? There's never been any mention of Delenn being telepathic. Admitedly there have been her two visions of Shadow stuff, which might indicate some latent telepathy, but you'd think she would have mentioned it at one point or another. Perhaps the Minbari are all latent telepaths, but my favored explanation is that the Minbari have been aware of the Shadows for so long that the Vorlons altered them slightly to make them Shadow-sensitive.

And no, the triangle never appeared after she changed.
The triangle was nothing more than proof of Valen's ancestry in the blood. IMHO Only Valen's descendants have it in their blood. The triangle is how the Minbari realized Sinclair 'had' Valen's soul. Remember?
The triangle was nothing more than proof of Valen's ancestry in the blood.

Delenn doesn't learn that she is a Child of Valen until "Atonement". Wouldn't it surprise the hell out of her to have this thing suddenly manifest itself three years earlier? Also there is no evidence that the other member of the Council was related the Valen.

And no, a triangle on the forehead is not what convinced the Grey Council that Sinclair somehow possessed Valen's soul. It was the glowing of a Triluminary (a technical device, not a bodily manifestation) that convinces them.

JMS said, flat-out, that the triangles (which are cleary based on the look of the Triluminary), are an implant that is given to members of the Council. He does not say that it's purpose is to detect Shadows, he merely says that it does react to them. (Presumably both the Triluminaries and the triangle implants are derived from Vorlon technology, and therefore sensitive to the Shadows.)

Since all members of the Council have received these things for who-knows-how-long, and since the Shadows only return in S1, it is likely that the triangles have some other purpose. I suspect that they serve somewhat the same function as the Lens in Doc Smith's novels - they are a perfect and unreproducible form of identification for members of the Council. Remember, the identities of the Council members are kept secret, and they rarely leave their war cruiser. From time to time a member of the Council would have to leave for one reason or another. The triangle may be a way for one of them to establish their identity in order to make sure their orders are carried out. Also as a way for them to return to their cruiser. Such a device would prevent an imposter from taking the place of a member of the Council.

The triangles may manifest themselves spontaneously when the wearer is angry or upset - in other words "feeling" assertive. That could explain why we see it on the Grey Council member who warns Delenn that she may have to kill Sinclair in "Sky" - He's either emotional or he's deliberately making the symbol visible to remind her that he speaks for the Council.

OTOH, Delenn herself is surprised when it appears during Morden's visit, which would seem to indicate that she normally has spontaneous control over it.


If someone leaves the council for one reason or another and they are replaced, would the member that left have it removed, or is it something that's with them for the rest of their lives? I can't recall ever hearing if Delenn still had it or not.
I assume it would be removed or deactivated, but my impression is that Delenn is almost unique in leaving the Council while still vertical. My impression is that they usually serve until death or incapacitating illness, which probably only briefly precedes death.


There was another Grey Council member in another S1 episode (I dont remember which) where this council member was in Delenn's quaters, and was telling her that if Sinclair remembered what happened to him at the Battle of the Line, he would have to be killed. THAT council member also had a triangle on his forhead and it WAS visible. Dont remember the episode, I think it was "And the sky full of stars" but I cant be sure. Old age...
From Joe's earlier post:
The triangles may manifest themselves spontaneously when the wearer is angry or upset - in other words "feeling" assertive. That could explain why we see it on the Grey Council member who warns Delenn that she may have to kill Sinclair in "Sky" - He's either emotional or he's deliberately making the symbol visible to remind her that he speaks for the Council.

I think this is what you're talking about. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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