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Subtle Foretelling

Ok, I've just checked in a book.

I did get it wrong in my first post. I meant to say Lady Ladira. Lady Morella doesn't appear until season three. They were both seers, but it was Lady Ladira that had the vision of the station exploding.

We shouldn't take the vision as completely acurate (Always in motion is the future). But I do remember jms saying quite early on that we had seen the last scene already, but it wasn't what we thought it was. Maybe it was the vision of the station exploding, and jms quite rightly believed that most people would assume that it was destroyed in a battle.

I just love it when he pulls the rug from under your feet. :D
The seer/prophetess/widow of the Emperor was Lady Morella, not Lady Ladira.

From what I've read, the thread-talk is about Lady Ladira, the seer that visited Londo during the first season of the show during the episode "Signs And Portents" that showed Sinclair a vision she had of Babylon 5 blowing up.

I have to admit, I'd forgotten that there were TWO middle-aged, female, seer/prophetteses in B5. Seems a little excessive somehow :LOL:
Minbari years are faster than Earth years. In the novels Sheridan kids David that he could hold off on letting him do some things if he went by Earth years, including giving him his little gift.
Of course we know that the actual explosion that claimed the station was not from an attack or from sabotage - it was pre-planned. I'm sure that whoever was in charge of the decomissioning ceremony made sure that a shuttle containing the President of the Interstellar Alliance, the leader of the Rangers, the Centauri Emperor, one of the richest men on Mars, and a group of other not-quite-as-important people was a VERY safe distance from the 5-mile-long exploding space station. I'm sure that someone would have rigged the explosion to detonate at a pre-planned time or by remote control - safety first, you know.
But there is one guy never shown to get out... our own JMS! :confused:

I always thought that fitting. Maybe Joe M can tell us if JMS planned it that way (though I am sure he has answered this many times in the past).
For me, I've always thought of it as jms's maintanance worker was the one on that shuttle and that Delenn and company had already left the station and gone aboard the Whitestar for the ending cermony. But, that's just me.
I've seen the interpretation that when Marcus says "then the qustion is: Who is Morgana LeFey?" at the end of A Late Delivery From Avalon, the answer is Anna Sheridan (who will be coming to tempt Sheridan).

Nice! I never thought of it that way. Very interesting. :)

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