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Star Trek Deep space 9 question


I was watching the episode Homefront ( ep number 483). I had an argument with my mate he says its impossible for a few people to make Earth's entire power-relay system goes off-line he cant believe its possible even with the explaination that is given in the next episode. I was wondering if there was a fuller explanation on what happened.
I guess it would depend on exactly how the Earth power grid of the future is set up, and for this instance it's most likely just set up in the configuration of plot. ;)
I was watching the episode Homefront ( ep number 483). I had an argument with my mate he says its impossible for a few people to make Earth's entire power-relay system goes off-line he cant believe its possible even with the explaination that is given in the next episode.
No fuller explaination was given, nor was it ineeded imo. If your buddy seems to think its impossible for that to happen...then you might want to let him know what happened here in the United States last year. Half of the East coast and Midwestern United States went dark for day or so --- and it wasn't a team of people that caused it, it happened on its own. If a quarter of the U.S. power grid can go down on its own, then I think there would be a way to cause the world power grid to go down in the future if you really tried...
Yep, I think Recoil hit it on the nose. :)

Besides, an episode with political intrigue like that and you're worry about power grids. Tsk! ;)

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