Heck, the more I watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I also start to see where people could argue that lots of B5 concepts were taken from the LOTR. I never thought so before, but after watching the trilogy...I hate to admit it, but I see it.
I do too.
For instance, you could say the Vorlons are kind of like wizards; the Minbari are old, reverant, and dying out just like Elves; the Centauri social structures in some ways resemble that of Men; the Humans are rising underdogs just like the Hobbits; and Narns are kinda, sorta similar to Dwarves (okay, I'll admit, that one's the weakest parallel).
There are 4 Humans on the command staff and 4 Hobbits in the Fellowship. There is a slight similarity between the relationships of Sheridan & Delenn and Aragorn & Arwen. There are various "Eye" references in B5, just like the eye of Sauron is a big deal in LotR. Same with the massive amount of "Shadow" symbolism and analogies in both stories. The name Lorien *could* be an homage to Lothlorien in LotR.
Etc., etc...
I know (from personal experince, on these boards, a few years ago) that someone will want to argue with me, saying these comparisons are weak and that if you try hard enough you could extrapilate similar parallels in plenty of other movies, books, or TV shows. I'll save you the trouble... I know.
AND... I am by no means implying that JMS intentionally tried to map out direct parallels between everything in B5 to everything in LotR.
AND... It's undeniable that there are a plethora of original ideas in B5, or at the very least, some very original, creative. and satisfying ways of combining already-used ideas (including sources other than Tolkien).
BUT... I personally can't help but think there are certain similarities that *could* have been anywhere from blatant and intentional homage to purely accidental coincidences, with subconscious inspiration falling somewhere in between. Plus, I think any similarities between LotR and B5--even those imagined by crazy people like me--are a little more obvious and plausible than other similarities, for instance, between LotR and Star Wars or between LotR and Star Trek.
(Disclaimer: Not trying to make a rant out of this, just a humble opinion, but being defensive because the last time I brought it up, it didn't go over too well.)
And as for DS9... It's my favorite of the Star Treks too. I'm in the camp that believes that it really *did* start off as a ripoff of JMS's ideas. However, with different people implementing it, it still turned out different. And even when it got progressivly better AND progressively more similar to B5 (those two things *might* be related), it was still different and separate and enjoyable on it's own.
I still like B5 better though.
As for a DS9 movie, I doubt we'll ever see it. DS9 is close to being a love-it or hate-it kind of show, while TNG's appeal had more levels. If TNG movies are running out of steam, I'm not sure DS9 would have the support to make it to the big screen. Even if it deserves it story-wise, Paramount is all about money, and I doubt a DS9 movie would bring in the $$$'s.