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Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOILERS!


So, I was looking for some recommendations or bashings on the new Star Wars movie here but didn't really find anything. Tell me without spoilers -- is it worth seeing?

I assume it is worth seeing in the theater because it is such a big SF movie and the effects alone might be enough.

I have heard semi-good things about it being the best of the three? What are your opinions?
You should definitely see it. If you enjoyed the original trilogy and have at least seen the last two, you really should check it out. It basically explains why Darth Vader is who he is and how the Empire came to be. It really sets things up nicely for the events in Episode IV.

Plus, if you like darker movies, this won't disappoint. I personally could do without all the fancy special effects but overall, it's worth seeing.

Heck, even if you don't like it you don't really ever have to see it again, do you?
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Well, I guess the question is -- should I see it in a theater or wait for DVD?

If I see it in the theater it means getting a babysitter since I haven't heard that work is going to take us this time. :rolleyes:
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

How well equipped is your home theater?

Meh, nevermind. Its probably worth seeing a movie with special effects like this on the bigscreen in a theater. Heck, I want to see it at one of this digital-only theaters. That would rock.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

By all means, if you can, see it in the theater. The experience won't be nearly the same on DVD, at least for me.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL



If you see it see it in the theatre, the graphics are the best part far and away.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

I watched TPM in a digital theater when I was in LA. It is a great experience. It did make all the smallest details come to life. You could actually see the folds in the clothing of the CGI characters. Its worth it to watch the movie because there are a lot of special effects and it was hard enough keeping up with it all on the big screen, let alone on a tv screen.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

I'd go to watch it in the cinema .. personally, I wouldn't consider it worth having on DVD really :D .. but it mostly depends. Unlike the first two movies in the new trilogy, this one mostly felt oriented at "true fans" to me. If you enjoyed the original trilogy and have any memories of it, RotS does tie in nicely with them in a way I guess .. as a movie on its own feet, I found it rather boring. Lots of fighting that I couldn't really get myself to care about, characterizations that just don't work, horrible misuse (or lack of use) of actors .. some dialogue that was so bad that it actually already made the movie more worth seeing for me ;-) .. stunning visuals. Though those actually almost started bugging me at times .. just seems like Lucas has a WAY too big arsenal of toys nowadays and just doesn't know when to stop and when to have .. like .. something else than pure effect battle shots :D

Score was good too IMHO, especially tying in specific "themes" from the original trilogy at apropriate places. Though in general, aside from the visuals, there wasn't really much in it that I really enjoyed that was "new" .. the things I enjoyed mostly were things that were tying in with the original trilogy.

If I hadn't seen the original trilogy and had just been looking at it as a movie on its own, I doubt I would have managed to stay awake through it really :D .. as it is .. well .. if you're a fan of the original trilogy, I'd go. In the cinema for the pretty, pretty effects :D

If you didn't much care for the original trilogy .. skip it :D .. unless you're really desperate for stunning CGI graphics :D
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

I was tempted to go see it at the Cinerama. My local theater, however, was adequate (and had tickets available for opening night). If you want it to be an "experience" then go to the Cinerama. If you just want to see it for the heck of it, setting doesn't really matter that much.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

The Digital screen was pretty awesome. It is definitely the best of the prequel movies ... though I consider that a backhanded compliment.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

So it is the best of the three but the first two were pretty sucky so it isn't saying much?

I saw the first two for free with my co-workers which was a lot of fun but this time around it looks like I will actually have to pay for the movie AND babysitting (unless I can get someone to do it for free).

That makes my decision harder. I guess we should still just go and see it anyway. ;)
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Go, you must.

No, it really is quite ok, had its naff prequellingy moments, but the last 20 minutes or so are enough to make any OT fan happy.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Star Wars was meant to be watched on the big screen, not on a tiny TV. Go to the cinema!
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

I vote "Go."

I've only been twice so far, and I will be going at least once more, but I want to go many more times if I can. I loved the film. But then, I'm unusual.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

As an occassional filmgoer, I just want to thank you for having the logic and consideration of not even considering the option of taking the baby with you to the theater.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

Are you kidding me? I want to enjoy watching the movie -- not entertain my baby so he will be quiet. He always wants to be in motion too so it would be next to impossible to get him to sit for 2+ hours unless he was sleeping. :LOL:
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

I can't imagine the rather exceptional volume of the music and sound effects of RotS would be pleasant to a baby either.

And I gotta say, I freaking LOVE the soundtrack to RotS. For so many of the scenes, I found the music to be exceptional in heigtening the emotionality of the film.
Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL

I'd worry about the hearing of the infant, too. Man, movies can be way too loud.

And Lyta: obviously you are not part of the "just let them run around screaming" childraising camp.

As old Mighty said: thank you.

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