Re: Should I watch Revenge of the Sith? - NO SPOIL
I'd go to watch it in the cinema .. personally, I wouldn't consider it worth having on DVD really

.. but it mostly depends. Unlike the first two movies in the new trilogy, this one mostly felt oriented at "true fans" to me. If you enjoyed the original trilogy and have any memories of it, RotS does tie in nicely with them in a way I guess .. as a movie on its own feet, I found it rather boring. Lots of fighting that I couldn't really get myself to care about, characterizations that just don't work, horrible misuse (or lack of use) of actors .. some dialogue that was so bad that it actually already made the movie more worth seeing for me ;-) .. stunning visuals. Though those actually almost started bugging me at times .. just seems like Lucas has a WAY too big arsenal of toys nowadays and just doesn't know when to stop and when to have .. like .. something else than pure effect battle shots
Score was good too IMHO, especially tying in specific "themes" from the original trilogy at apropriate places. Though in general, aside from the visuals, there wasn't really much in it that I really enjoyed that was "new" .. the things I enjoyed mostly were things that were tying in with the original trilogy.
If I hadn't seen the original trilogy and had just been looking at it as a movie on its own, I doubt I would have managed to stay awake through it really

.. as it is .. well .. if you're a fan of the original trilogy, I'd go. In the cinema for the pretty, pretty effects
If you didn't much care for the original trilogy .. skip it

.. unless you're really desperate for stunning CGI graphics