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Rising Stars Question


Mike G

So I picked up Book 1 of the novelization of Straczynski's Rising Stars a few weeks ago from my library. I enjoyed it, and am now reading book 2. The problem is, as far as I can tell, book 3 of the novelization was never published for whatever reason. If I want to know the end of the story, it looks like I'm going to have to read the comic version.

My question is this, do the novelizations and the comic volumes cover exactly the same parts of the story?

Just FYI:
The Comic Volume

The Novelization
Well, part 3 was published a lot more recently than 1 and 2. That might be a factor. Haven't gotten around to the novelization yet.
Or the reaction to the first two novelizations (and the resulting sales) may have been so bad that they simply stopped doing them. Some of those Amazon.com reviews are downright viscious.

Or course, I'm not sure I understand the point of noveizing a graphic novel or a comic book in the first place. The reason for a film novelization (back before the advent of home video) was to give fans a portable, no-power-requried way of re-lviing the film and also a way of throwing in a few bonus bits in the form of scenes that were cut either from the final script or from the finished film. You coudln't take a movie to the beach, you could take a book.

But with a graphic novel or comic book you already have a paper-based, no-power-required, fully portable version of the story that you can take on a plane, a train, to the beach, where-have-you. So why would anyone want a prose adaptation by a third party of a prose-and-graphics tale that was already written by a pretty good writer and is also available in book form. What am I missing here?

Portable DVD, video on phone , iPod-like delivery systems and the like have already removed most of the justifications for doing film novelizations, and think only inertia on the part of both the public and the studios is keeping that form alive. But dwindlng sales will eventualy kill the movie novelization. How they haven't already killed the comic book novelization - or why the nature of the product didn't prevent them from ever being done - is a real mystery to me.


I don't disagree, and the only reason I started reading the novelization was because thats what they had at my library. I would be perfectly willing to switch over to the comic volumes, but, I like I said, I don't know the proper place to do that.

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