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Rangers: The Last Best Hope For B5 (Positive thread)(spoilers)



This is a thread for those who enjoyed the pilot movie and think that the new crew have huge potential.
If we ever want new stories in the B5 universe then Rangers *is* the last hope. Lets learn from all the mistakes of ripping Crusade to shreads and be positive

Forget about minor details from other threads and lets talk about the positive aspects of Rangers...

'I plan to live forever, or die trying' - Villa Blake's 7
I realized that Rangers was a pilot, so I knew it wouldn't be another Severed Dreams. Because of this, I was able to enjoy it. I loved the cast, & seeing G'Kar again was wonderful.

Actually, even the people who were disappointed in Rangers seem to want a series, so that is a very positive thing. The trolls are in the minority, & I for one am very glad to see it.



"We're in here! Can anyone hear us?"
"I hear you." [giggle, laugh]
"In here!"
"We are here." [giggle, laugh]
-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Convictions"

Tammy's Station
Possible spoilers below

Positive things in the movie:

1. The most important thing- a good story. People had motivations for doing things, it was logical, it made sense, and played out well. No small task for TV in general, but expected from the B5 universe. However, we must remind ourselves of this lest we take it for granted.

2. The Hand- sort of like the Shadows, but not really, with the potential to be something mind-blowing. I hope the whole "Hand of God" thing gets played up. First One type race with extremist religious ideals? Former servants without a master? Intriguing.

3. Dulann. He is so cool.

4. Captain Martel. I was worried about a prety-boy captain, but he was pretty darn good. Better than Sisko, better than Kirk. He was pissed off, always a good thing. And that mutha can fight!

5. Sarah Cantrell, my future bride.

6. G'Kar, being all G'Kar-like in his G'Kar-ness.

7. Minister Kafta. What a sleazeball.

8. Potential, people. This can be a great series.

9. It's Babylon 5 related. 'Nuff said.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Having watched it a second time now, here is what some of its highlights to me were:

1) David Martel - I, like GKE, was also worried about the 'pretty boy' captain thing, but I think he fit the part well and was believeable. I think once a series starts, he will settle in very well.

2) The Story - It was great. Lots of mystery. Im sure there is misdirection involved too. Is The Hand really what the Minister said? Either way, cool stuff and it left a lot of questions on the table.

3) Dulann - This is one guy who from right out of the gate BECAME the character. Alex WAS Dulann, as if he has been playing him for years. This character more than the rest really jumped out as a natural. The Dulann/Martel scenes were great too. Someone on another thread likened them to a Kirk/Spock relationship, which I agree with. The amazaing part is getting that kind of feel for the friendship/loyalty in a pilot. It took the Kirk/Spock thing years to develop, Alex did it in just the first pilot.

4) Sarah Cantrell - While I wasnt a fan of the minefield scene, I was drawn to her character. There is lots going on behind the scenes with her, and Myriam did a great job of bringing it out.

5) Putting Grenades in the Lifepod with the Minister - This is not something you will ever see in Star Trek. Clever, dirty, underhanded, resourceful, and ruthless. Refreshing to see an enemy dispatched in a way that wasn't P.C., which some shows almost usually do.

6) The devious JMS. That last line from G'Kar about 'no one is exactly what they appear' was perfect. While it is a plug from a line in S1 B5, it also almost slaps you in the face about all that took place in this show. Ladies and Gentlemen, this will be one hell of a series.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK

[This message has been edited by Recoil (edited January 21, 2002).]
The movie was a pilot, and not too bad for a pilot from JMS, if you ask me. A big plus on this pilot over the pilots of both The Gathering and ACTA is that, as I understand it, these characters will probably end up in the series itself. The latter two did have a few characters in it, but many were new. (Ivanova, Vir, Franklin, Chambers, Gideon, etc) Starting off with the people we'll get to know later is perfect.

JMS right up front, with the naming ceremony, introed our characters and gave us little snippets of themselves. Just enough to wet our appetites with what they are searching for, what their hopes and dreams are, and what they are hiding. It begs for a series.

Chris Franke. Need I say more?

Martel and Dulaan already seem to have chemestry together, and that shows up great on screen. The actors did brilliantly conveying that sense of farmiliarity.

Of course, I could go on. Let's just say I'm ready for the series to start now.

It's like I've always said, you can get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 than you can with just a kind word.