Ok, when introduced in the original B5 series, the Rangers were a small, elite group of people who seemed to operate mostly on their own or in small groups. While a Mimbari creation, B5 era Rangers contained humans, most notably Marcus (Cole?). These Mimbari and humans stuck to the traditional use of the term 'ranger' in scifi, being individualistic, inteligent, fierce in combat, blah blah blah. The humans involved in the Rangers came across as men and women who were adventurers, nomads and individuals on the fringe of human society (no negative conotation meant). Hence, one can understand how they would end up joining up.
However, where do they draw their numbers now? With the advent of the Interstelar Alliance, the job of the Rangers has taken a far more official status. They are now the law enforcement/military arm of the ISA. With that responsiblity, their numbers would have to swell substantially to fill the need. This fact is alluded to in the comment that 'the only ship available' is the Liandra(or however you spell the bloody thing). Obviously they're trying to get people out on the job as quickly as possibly.
Also, would the human response be substantial? In the Legend or the Rangers, the commander speaks of wanting to join up, etc, 'ever since he heard' about the rangers and the alliance. If he was from Earth, wouldn't that make it all of what, three or four years?
However, where do they draw their numbers now? With the advent of the Interstelar Alliance, the job of the Rangers has taken a far more official status. They are now the law enforcement/military arm of the ISA. With that responsiblity, their numbers would have to swell substantially to fill the need. This fact is alluded to in the comment that 'the only ship available' is the Liandra(or however you spell the bloody thing). Obviously they're trying to get people out on the job as quickly as possibly.
Also, would the human response be substantial? In the Legend or the Rangers, the commander speaks of wanting to join up, etc, 'ever since he heard' about the rangers and the alliance. If he was from Earth, wouldn't that make it all of what, three or four years?