Addressing several recent posts:
I am not convinced; Los Angeles is a very expensive place to make a film.
???? Andrew, I'm really starting to worry about you. Your non-sequiters are becoming that strange.Yeah, L.A. is an expensive place to film - guess that's why nobody shoots any movies or TV shows there anymore.
1) Where the announcement is made from (likely Warner Bros. Burbank, CA headquarters) had nothing whatsoever with where the project will ultimately be shot. Chances are that a theatrical film would shoot on many different outdoor locations, with interiors shot at a studio. (Most likely Warner Bros. own studio because - despite labor and other costs involved in shooting in L.A. - it is still probably chepaer over-all for them to shoot in facilities that they own, which are already paid for and which are in close proximity to WB's extensive costume, props, technical, backlot and SFX facilities, not to mention specialty rental houses and third party support companies that simply aren't matched anywhere in the world.)
Ok, one other thought, and I haven't read the full thread yet so if anyone has pointed this out forgive me...I just wanted to get my thoughts out while they were still clear in my head.
The idea of the TV announcements in May in NY is fun speculation...but I would say it is the lesser of the two possibilities. Although anything is possible at this point I would say. No...I believe the more likely possibility is that this is in fact a feature film project. The fact that WB will be making the announcement lends creedance to this fact.
However, JDM is wrong in the assumption that the film would be shot in LA. LA has in fact become a very expensive place to shoot these days and as JDM, himself, pointed out, less and less is being shot there. There are support groups and such springing up all over the place to support a film shoot in Canada, Australia and any other number of places, though I do agree I don't think it's England since it is almost as expensive to shoot there these days, not to mention a lot more difficult as there are contractual obligations to use certain numbers of British union workers, etc. that have de-railed and complicated US films for years.
2) Question for the room: What part of "neither of them [the potential B5 universe projects at the talking stage in September, one of which has become "B5:TMoS"] is a series" is everyone having a problem understanding?
Again, JDM is probably right here...although I will also admit that things can change rapidly and we may not be privvy to those the fact that originally when JMS posted his info there was no talk of a new series, this does not mean that plans haven't changed in the months since then. Although, again, let me state that I think JDM is correct here.
3) JMS posted his message to a diverse newsgroup population that is overwhelming dominated by Americans, with folks from the U.K. probably making up the second largest national group. He cast his riddle in terms he expected many or most of the people in that group to understand. (Which is why, contrary to a complaint above, everyone didn't "have to know the history of Warner Bros." - it was enough that many of us recognize the first names of the very famous Albert, Harry and especially Jack Warner and share that information.) Somehow I don't think he would use a lyric from some obscure band Down Under which doens't, in fact, have any conceivable connection to a place from which Warner Bros. could be expected to make an announcement to get his point across.
Again I tend to agree with JDM here, but there is an interesting point to be made...that it could, as we know Vorlons are prone to do, have a double meaning. Meaning that the announcement was initially referring to LA and "the wrong side of the river" comment is as JDM ascerted that JMS is from NY. However, one funny thing is that when JDM explained that the obscure band and its song was from could consider that the double entendre could turn out to be that the film could possibly be shot in Australia as many films are being done, especially considering that Australia plays host to the biggest soundstage in the world, where I might add MOULIN ROUGE and the SW pre-quels were shot. It's an interesting and funny fact that could well turn out to an unintended coincidence.
Or is it? With JMS layers upon layers and plans within plans are something I've come to expect.