Patricia Tallman is going to be appearing on a podcast brought to us by the Babble On Project and she'd love to answer YOUR questions on the 'cast. You can post them at
or tweet them to her at @patriciatallman on Twitter. Questions need to be submitted no later than March 28 for the March 30 podcast recording.
And if you haven't managed to buy her book yet, you can read an excerpt at http://www.geekplanetonline.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=3197:lytas-lingerie&Itemid=202
And read about the marketing idea of a lifetime!
or tweet them to her at @patriciatallman on Twitter. Questions need to be submitted no later than March 28 for the March 30 podcast recording.
And if you haven't managed to buy her book yet, you can read an excerpt at http://www.geekplanetonline.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=3197:lytas-lingerie&Itemid=202
And read about the marketing idea of a lifetime!