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Pat on the back


Been watching season 5.

Sheridan asks G'Kar to write the Intersteller Alliance's declaration of principles and his swearing in oath. He compliments G'Kar's speeches. Of course those speeches were written by JMS, as was this very script.

So, what we have here is our Great Maker giving himself a cute little pat on the back. :)
God, old Mighty, and I thought all this time I was the only one sick and suspicious enough to think of that when I originally saw the show. :LOL:

Personally, I say why not? I used to tease Markas horribly about being so... unnaturally self content. :eek:

But I gradually began to realize: it is not a fault, it is a great strenght, actually. :cool:

Especially in a world where you can expect at least as many kicks as pats in the back... :eek:
So, what we have here is our Great Maker giving himself a cute little pat on the back. :)

Yes, but later we have the Great Maker sending himself and all writers up when G'Kar starts obsessing over the preamble to the Declaration of Principles and keeps rewriting it endlessly until they finally try to take it away from him. I always got a kick out of G'Kar when he had his "writer's" hat on. :)


But you just can't beat G'Kar's Oath of Office for Sheridan's inauguration in "No Compromises", which goes (not word for word):

G'Kar: So, do you want to be president or not?
Sheridan: I do
G'Kar: Fine. Done. Let's eat.

That's class writing that is!

Hah, yeah. And then, when Sheridan agreed that the changes were better, that may have been a little fantasy: the critic eagerly approving everything the writer does.

And that, children, was our daily Reading Too Much Into Things.

G'Kar: So, do you want to be president or not?
Sheridan: I do
G'Kar: Fine. Done. Let's eat.

Love that- the dialogue equivalent of Harrison Ford shooting the guy with the sword in Raiders.
So, what we have here is our Great Maker giving himself a cute little pat on the back. :)

Yes, but later we have the Great Maker sending himself and all writers up when G'Kar starts obsessing over the preamble to the Declaration of Principles and keeps rewriting it endlessly until they finally try to take it away from him. I always got a kick out of G'Kar when he had his "writer's" hat on. :)



Well, maybe not, JMS is not known for a lot of re-writes.

I also found the self-promotion of the "Declaration of Principles" a little too thick. But then I found JMS to be writing too hard on Season 5 anyway. Willows anyone? The first time I heard G'Kar reading the principles, I just had to blurt out: "BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER...... AND PARTY ON DUDES!"

JMS less conspicuously patted himself with Sheridan saying to G'Kar in The Long Twilight Struggle, "I'll miss your words", a line that looks silly written down, but was so perfect coming out of Boxleitner's mouth.
He (Sheridan) compliments G'Kar's speeches. Of course those speeches were written by JMS, as was this very script.

So, what we have here is our Great Maker giving himself a cute little pat on the back. :)

On the other hand, it could be thought of as JMS just being true to Sheridan's character.

Sheridan had always been a positive reinforcement kind of leader, unless he was all the way over in butt-kicking mode. So it stands to reason that Sheridan would compliment G'Kar's oath / speech writing, unless they just completely missed the mark.
G'Kar: So, do you want to be president or not?
Sheridan: I do
G'Kar: Fine. Done. Let's eat.

That bit of dialogue didn't so much make me think about the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" scene (although I can see it is a verbal equivalent of sorts), as it did the Bishop at the end of Spaceballs who gets pissed off at the fact this is his third time trying to do the ceremony for Princess Vespa due to the interruptions.

Bishop: Do you?
Lonestar: Yes.
Bishop: Do you?
Princess: Yes.
Bishop: Good. You're married. Kiss'er.


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