NewbieQ: Outsider\'s perspective on B5
As a recent B5 convert, from an outsider's perspective, it is *very* easy to see why it's so hard to get any form of B5 off the ground. In this case the problem is something so fundamental that grasping at specific reasons is almost unnecessary. Textbook case of "By its fruits shall you know them". Let's look at some prime examples:
B5 tapes collection: never completely available in US. Price per God-given episode: $12.50.
Centauri Prime trilogy, book 3: $50.
Any backgroiund material: scripts, treatments, of any draft, of any series: $100, $99.98 for a xerox, or "technically" "not at all". Top price per page: $5 (crusade background, xeroxed)
Model sets: 2 (B5, starfury)
Link/ppg/action figure/any prop replica: $300 - $1000 (EDIT: or "technically" "not at all")
Now, everyone can blame anyone for everything--TNT (hint: not their fault, it was just...never their demographic), publishers, WB, marketing forces, football games, but when a property consistently is in HUGE demand and yet always fails that demand, whether product volume, availability, or quality, there's something fundamentally wrong somewhere.
Now I'm not saying blame B5's concept itself or JMS or the fans or how either handles/views the property, but after consistently blaming every large company ever involved with B5, one has limited choice of places in which to look for problems.
As a recent B5 convert, from an outsider's perspective, it is *very* easy to see why it's so hard to get any form of B5 off the ground. In this case the problem is something so fundamental that grasping at specific reasons is almost unnecessary. Textbook case of "By its fruits shall you know them". Let's look at some prime examples:
B5 tapes collection: never completely available in US. Price per God-given episode: $12.50.
Centauri Prime trilogy, book 3: $50.
Any backgroiund material: scripts, treatments, of any draft, of any series: $100, $99.98 for a xerox, or "technically" "not at all". Top price per page: $5 (crusade background, xeroxed)
Model sets: 2 (B5, starfury)
Link/ppg/action figure/any prop replica: $300 - $1000 (EDIT: or "technically" "not at all")
Now, everyone can blame anyone for everything--TNT (hint: not their fault, it was just...never their demographic), publishers, WB, marketing forces, football games, but when a property consistently is in HUGE demand and yet always fails that demand, whether product volume, availability, or quality, there's something fundamentally wrong somewhere.
Now I'm not saying blame B5's concept itself or JMS or the fans or how either handles/views the property, but after consistently blaming every large company ever involved with B5, one has limited choice of places in which to look for problems.