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Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Speaking of wolves, let us know when you get to the episode "Hour of the Wolf". :)
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

I actually dare not say anything as it's been a while since I watched the whole series and I don't want to give anything away by mistake.I will say that the next half dozen episodes are my favourite of the show though :D
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

I take it you're not including SG-1 in this? Aren't they up to eight or nine seasons by now...? And at this rate BSG should easily join the ranks, but I'll grant you it's not there yet, and the first season was short, too.

I'm sure "broadcast television" was specified for a reason. :) SG-1 was made for basic cable.. The fact is that B5 is the first and at the time the only non-Trek space-based TV series (broadcast or cable) to run more than three seasons. In that sense B5 was the real trailblazer, the show that paved the way for later series. Trek never made it easier for other SF, because the perception was that there was no audience for "Non-Trek" and all those other failed shows were just seen as "proof" of thie notion. Overcoming this prejudice was one of the major hurdles to getting B5 made and it surely affected many other shows (inlcuidng some that never did get made and of which we have never heard) in the same way. There is not a single show that got on the air because some network or studio exect said, "Hey, that Star Trek does well, let's try one of those." There is evidence that since B5 a number of other series have been greenlit because somebody said, "Hey, that B5 thing work and it wasn't Trek, so maybe there is an audience" and "Hey, that crazy Stryczinski guy made that 5 year arc thiing work, maybe we should give it a shot." There is no way that the current Battlestar Galactica would exist in the form it does if it had not been for B5 and Sci-Fi's experience in airing the reruns and Crusade.


Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Actually, now that I think about it, the "space-based shows on broadcast television" thing would also need to include the qualifier "American", as Blake's 7 and Red Dwarf both made it past three seasons as well (though both had fewer episodes in their entire runs than B5 had in its first three seasons).

But I think B5's success is even more impressive. Think about this. Before B5, how many American produced space-based shows had lasted more than *one* season? (Broadcast or cable. Doesn't matter.)

The ones I can think of:
Lost in Space
Star Trek
Buck Rogers
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek Deep Space Nine (second season started before B5's second season, though not before B5 went into production)

Um....I think that might be it. (I suppose you could count Galactica 1980 as the second season of BSG, but most people count it as a separate show.) Are there any I'm missing?

Also, as a side note, I don't think there's been a single space-based show to last more than one season on any of the four big networks (ABC/CBS/NBC/Fox) since Buck Rogers did 25 years ago. All of the series that have done it since then have managed it in either syndication or cable, where you don't need to have quite as large an audience to survive.
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Actually, now that I think about it, the "space-based shows on broadcast television" thing would also need to include the qualifier "American

Yes, of course. For some reason I thought that had already been mentioned in this thread. Certainly JMS added that qualifier in his discussions of the matter. Given that B5 was a show produced for American TV and within the context of the aesthetic, economic and demographic contstraints that fact implies, the only real apples to apples comparisons are to American shows. In fact, given the changes in the cable and syndication markets since B5 went on the air, including the birth, growth and death of UPN and The WB, and their replacement by the CW, it is even hard to compare it to other near-contemporary shows. TNG and DS9 were syndication originals. Voyager had a home on a broadcast network.


Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Okay...okay! I'm not sure where I was during B5's run...but I missed it. I'm just glad I got the DVDs from a friend of mine.

Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Yes, she is...in fact, she came to visit and we watched a lot of the first season together. It was wonderful. She told me about this site, in fact, and said you would be good for me. She was right.
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Yes, she is...in fact, she came to visit and we watched a lot of the first season together. It was wonderful. She told me about this site, in fact, and said you would be good for me. She was right.

Did she warn you that we're a bunch of crazies? :D
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Did she warn you that we're a bunch of crazies? :D

She does post here occasionally. She told me that I would find a good home with you all. I'm a crazy, too...after all, I've compared myself to a lamb among shepherds. Bahhhh!

So, you see, I'm a bit nuts myself. I fit right in.
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Before B5, how many American produced space-based shows had lasted more than *one* season? (Broadcast or cable. Doesn't matter.)

The ones I can think of:
Lost in Space
Star Trek
Buck Rogers
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek Deep Space Nine (second season started before B5's second season, though not before B5 went into production)

Um....I think that might be it. (I suppose you could count Galactica 1980 as the second season of BSG, but most people count it as a separate show.) Are there any I'm missing?
Depends on how you count Space 1999 ........ Joint US / UK ...... 2 seasons.
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Depends on how you count Space 1999 ........ Joint US / UK ...... 2 seasons.

I always thought Space 1999 was Canadian. I just looked it up on the IMDb, and it says joint US/UK/Italy production! Didn't think much of it, bad waste of some good actors...
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Depends on how you count Space 1999 ........ Joint US / UK ...... 2 seasons.

I always thought Space 1999 was Canadian. I just looked it up on the IMDb, and it says joint US/UK/Italy production! Didn't think much of it, bad waste of some good actors...

I would wager that Space: 1999 was a UK show with US and Italian financing involved. It was created and produced by Gerry Anderson, who had a string of successful 'supermarionation" puppet show programs including "Thunderbirds" and "Fireball XL5" before moving on to real actors for the show "UFO" and the film "Journey to the Far Side of the Sun" aka "Doppleganger". Strangely enough, I recall a Trek vs 1999 mentality pressent among genre fans similar to the B5 / Trek animosity we've experienced over the years. Anderson returned during the 90s scifi revival blitz with "Space Precinct", a weird as hell space cop show with Ted Shackleford. Personally, I recall the first Season of Space: 1999 being more cerebral and anglophilic, whereas Season 2 underwent a massive facelift to appeal to action-oriented Americans.
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Anybody ever see Star Fleet,a sci fi puppet show from the early 80's?The entire show was built about Earth being attacked by an evil insect empire.First series I ever saw where the whole series was one big story with a few little side shows thrown in.
It seems to me that the genre is better recieved in the UK than the US.Maybe JMS should get his arse over there and see what he could do there ;)
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Anybody ever see Star Fleet,a sci fi puppet show from the early 80's?The entire show was built about Earth being attacked by an evil insect empire.First series I ever saw where the whole series was one big story with a few little side shows thrown in.
It seems to me that the genre is better recieved in the UK than the US.Maybe JMS should get his arse over there and see what he could do there ;)

Don't think Star Fleet ever made it to the US. I show I really was enjoying was "Roughnecks: The Starship Trooper Chronicles", an all-cgi show based mostly on the film but incorporating elements of the book as well. Unfortunately the series was oversold with an overambitious timetable and the multiple effects houses contracted out were never able to keep up. There were probably only about 8 - 10 eposides of a planned 2 season arc. Oh well.
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!


After nearly a week's drought, I watched "Dust to Dust." What a powerful episode!!! It had everything...Bester, Mollari, and G'Kar. This dust had such a horrible effect on G'Kar (not to mention Mollari); but what happened after that was particularly amazing.

It was interesting to note that G'Kar saw the Shadows...and Morden...but that wasn't what seemed to affect him so greatly...it was seeing Kosh that did it! And seeing the wise ones of Narn (at least I think that's who the two Narn were who spoke to him...if not, someone please tell me).

This is definitely a turning point for G'Kar!!!
Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

And seeing the wise ones of Narn (at least I think that's who the two Narn were who spoke to him...if not, someone please tell me).

The Narn hanging from the tree was G'Kar's father, whom G'Kar watched be hung from a tree by Centauri when he was a child. The other, more talkative Narn was G'Quan, I believe, a wise Narn from a thousand years ago whose writings G'Kar has been a follower for years.