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Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

Re: Lost Newbie!!!

When, oh when, will Garibaldi come out of the coma? No, don't tell me...I'm going into the second show now.
Apparently great minds really do think alike. :D

Indeed. :D

I find it fun how Kosh can issue such a simple answer and still come out sounding so damn cryptic. My AP US History teacher in high school had a similar knack for just answering "yes" to either/or questions we would ask him much the same way Kosh answered "Yes" to Sinclair's "The Narn or the Centauri?".
Re: Lost Newbie!!!

When, oh when, will Garibaldi come out of the coma? No, don't tell me...I'm going into the second show now.

omg! The second show in itself "Revelations"... wonderful! It definitely sets the stage for oncoming disaster. I understand a lot more about Delenn and her reasons for what the chrysalis. And to my joy....Garibaldi's back...more serious, but then, so would I if I just came out of a coma!!

I find it fun how Kosh can issue such a simple answer and still come out sounding so damn cryptic. My AP US History teacher in high school had a similar knack for just answering "yes" to either/or questions we would ask him much the same way Kosh answered "Yes" to Sinclair's "The Narn or the Centauri?".

Kosh is one of the most enigmatic characters I have ever read in literature. I loved his remark: "The avalanche has begun. The pebbles have no vote." What?!?
And that's actually one of his clearer remarks -- implying that the decision has been made, and he cannot affect it.

"We shall meet at the hour of scampering" remains one of my definite favorites. But some of his real humdingers are still ahead.
I recall discussion on just what scampering Vorlons would look like. :)

Ilikemike: B5 gets even better. :D It's great to hear someone enjoying it for the first time. :cool:
I loved his remark: "The avalanche has begun. The pebbles have no vote." What?!?

Just to clarify things a bit more:

The exact line was, "The avalanche has already begun. It is too late for the pebbles to vote." (Emphasis added.)

Kosh isn't saying pebbles can't vote, he's saying the time for that has passed.

Now, consider the context.

Shon's parents raise the issue of medical staff's concern for a patient's safety conflicting with the beliefs and rules of that patient's soicety. As Franklin himself notes in in an earlier scene, Sinclair made just such a decision in the pilot, ordering Dr. Kyle to open Kosh's encounter suit in order to treat him. The precdent for doing this has already been established by Sinclair himself.

Kosh is essentially saying the same thing. He underwent a medical procedure at human hands when he was in no position to give consent and when those were empowered to act as his agents refused to grant it. Sound familiar?

In the case of "Believers", though, Kosh is proven wrong. Having made the descion he did in The Gathering, for reasons of state and to preserve the peace as much as for any other reason, Sinclair decides not to make that a precedent and to hew to absolute neutrality in this case, deferring to the parents' wishes as the B5 charter requires him to do.


Welcome, Ilikemike!
We always love when newbies grace our presence.
I too was not a big fan of Bruce Boxleitner before he came onboard. I thought he was a handsome, lightweight actor, with great hair. This show will convince you otherwise (about his acting, anyway. The bastard IS handsome with great hair).

Season 2 is REALLY the start of something incredible, with changes happening so fast you won't believe it. Enjoy the experience.

Actually, Kosh's "avalanche" quote is one of the more understandable statements he makes over the course of the show. :LOL:

And RW, easy on the spoilerism. Just because someone asks a question, you don't have to give it to them. It took the rest of us 6 years to find that stuff out.
All right! Thanks for straightening me out on that quote, Joe. You're right; it does tie in to the believers and their plight. I am very happy to see that you are all so great. I feel a bit like a novice in a convent, when all the older sisters gather round to shepherd the new one. Sorry...didn't mean to call you guys nuns; but you get the picture.

I AM beginning to like Sheridan. He is a lighter personality than Sinclair, which is needed as things get darker and darker. The political intrigue is also very....well, intriguing. LOL.
Sorry...didn't mean to call you guys nuns; but you get the picture.

You'd be surprised how appropriate that is in some cases. :) When you finish the season and are free to venture into Off-Topic and NC-17, you'll see what I mean. ;)

In the meantime I have to echo a point made to RW: Writing "withouth saying to much" and then proceeding to say way too much sort of defeats the purpose of this thread. If I hadn't seen that post so long after it went up (and been responded to) I would have deleted it or edited it. All the question required was the answer that two of us gave - "yes" there was more to the relationship and it predated Kosh's arrival on B5. Detailed discussion of things not revealed until season 4 was not the appropriate response. Just a reminder for next time. :D

Please people: assume ilikemike has seen and read nothing that is not referenced in his/her posts here. (And WHY isn't gender an item in our profiles so that we can avoid such awkward constructions as "his/her"? :))

Don't make me have to actually start moderating this board. :D I don't have the time!


It's true; I have seen very little of B5 and that was many years ago...so it is ALL very new to me. I would say that I haven't seen about 98% of the episodes. I remember seeing one from the last season but understood absolutely none of it, which at that time, put me off of it for good...until my friend gave me the series and I began at the beginning...always a good place to start.

Thanks SO much for keeping the spoiler out of my path.

For the record, I AM a gal but have many friends both male and female. I was in the army for 11 years, so I'm not a naive soul.

Anyway...on to more of Season 2. I'll be back...
Hey, that reminds me of one of my converts! She saw a season 5 episode, understood none of it, but recalled enough details that she could describe it to me later. No question about it, she'd seen a rather pivotal Season 5 ep. (To those in the know: it features Londo very heavily, and its title itself is a spoiler. Which should be enough of a hint for you veterans.)

She also recalls details that definitely aren't in any B5 episode I know of: a crashed spaceship in the woods, with people walking around it. Anyone have any ideas of what it was that she saw?
I saw one that had Melissa Gilbert in it. That's about all I remember. It was very confusing, etc. At this point, I don't WANT to remember. I want to just take the series one show at a time.
Not trusting my memory (and not having access to my S1 DVDs) I relied on The Lurker's Guide's transciption of the line. Thanks for the correction.

Not trusting my memory (and not having access to my S1 DVDs) I relied on The Lurker's Guide's transciption of the line. Thanks for the correction.


Sorry. I was trying to stay out of it, but that was one of the Kosh-isms that I have committed to memory, can actually hear in my head, and I couldn't stand another misquote.

I was beginning to think people were getting the quote from some sort of foreign language translation or something. :rolleyes:
Oh - I think your friend misremembered a flashback to a certain dark and ugly alien world as being "in a forest". There were spacesuited figures walking around a spacecraft and colums of smoke that could be misremembered as trees.


I've just finished watching "A Distant Star." It was great!

The best part was that I have made bagna cauda myself...many times. It's every bit as delicious as Garibaldi says it is.

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