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Neroon & Damar


I just got to thinking the other day about the similarities between Neroon from B5 and Damar from DS9.

Both of them start out as characters that are considered bad, but ones that you don't necessarily hate at first.

Then they both do things that make you really want to hate them. Neroon beats the crap out of Marcus, and Damar kills Ziyal.

They are both very high up in the chain of command in their military, and both have somewhat of a leadership role.

The thing that reminded me the most of how they both were similar to one another is how they both died. Neroon sacrifices himself to help bring his people back together in the hope of a better future. Damar sacrifices himself as well when he leads the charge to take back his world to ensure a better future for his people.

Any other thoughts? Do you agree or disagree?

They are two of my favorite characters from their respective series', and I thought I noticed some similarites between them.

On a side note, it's kind of funny how John Vickery played Gul Rusot, one of Damar's best friends in a few DS9 episodes, even though he ends up killing him.

All my life I've had doubts about who I am, where I belong. Now, I'm like the arrow that springs from the bow. No hesitation, no doubts. The path is clear.
-Ambassador Jeffrey David Sinclair, War Without End
Good thinking. The thought had never occurred to me, but now that you mention it...

Both are the number 2 guys to real bad guys. Both transcend it. Both die trying save their people; and it seems both succeed.

Demar? Damar? gets more air time, but both are great characters.

Thanks for thinking that up!

"What's up, Drakh?"

Michael Garibaldi
They are both really great characters that change from one extreme to another. Too bad they were both killed off, because we'll probably never see them again.

I hadn't thought about them both being the second in command in their respective militaries. There are probably other similarities between them that I can't think of, but oh well.

All my life I've had doubts about who I am, where I belong. Now, I'm like the arrow that springs from the bow. No hesitation, no doubts. The path is clear.
-Ambassador Jeffrey David Sinclair, War Without End
I especially liked the off side parallel of John Vickery, who played Neroon, played Damar's friend towards the end of DS9 and eventually was killed by Damar to protect the future of the rebellion.

"And so it begins..." - Kosh

[This message has been edited by Kosh (edited July 18, 2001).]

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