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Nemesis on DVD


Star Trek Nemesis comes out on DVD May 20th.
It contains 7 deleted scenes, 4 short features and a director's commentary.
I wasn't a huge fan of the film but I'll probably end up getting it, even though Cheers season one and Frasier season one come out on the same day. :D
Ugh. I don't think I could see that movie again. Seven deleted scenes, you say? Where's a puking smiley?!
I never got a chance to see it when it came out. It was out of the theatres so quick. From the mixed reviews I've heard, I'll probably rent it first.
Star Trek Nemesis comes out on DVD May 20th.
It contains 7 deleted scenes, 4 short features and a director's commentary.

In the US only. 4 August for the UK. October for Australia. Not sure about other countries.
I am confused by one aspect of Nemesis..perhaps someone here would be kind enough to help me out on this. My problem involves Wesley Crusher. The last episode that he appeared in on TNG, he was caught in a conflict of interest between Starfleet protocol and what he personally believed in. At the end of the episode he gave up his Starfleet commision and career and turned his back on Starfleet. However in the movie Nemesis he appears briefly in what appears to be a Starfleet dress uniform. Perhaps they explain this in one of the deleted scenes.
Wesley isn't in the deleted scenes either.

Maybe they just let him dress up, I don't know. :D
I'm collecting the Trek movies on DVD as the Special Editions are being released. Since they are only up to Star Trek IV: The Search For Whales, it'll be a couple of years before I pick up Nemesis.
I'm collecting the Trek movies on DVD as the Special Editions are being released. Since they are only up to Star Trek IV: The Search For Whales, it'll be a couple of years before I pick up Nemesis.
Im doing the same thing. Although I made the mistake of getting ST:6 early, but Ill still get its special edition when it comes out. My bro got me the TNG movies last year in a gift set for my birthday, so I have 3 of them so far. I dont know if they will do the Special Editions for TNG as they are all pretty new and current and were filmed in the DVD era so to speak. Then again, they will probably do anything for a buck...

I have heard ST:5 is due out in its Directors Cut rather soon. My least favorite of the movies, but hey, its necessary from a collectors standpoint I guess. I'm really hoping they do something really special for ST:6 frankly.

Another interesting note, is that ST:1 and ST:2 were called DIRECTORS EDITIONS and had the directors cut of the movie, lots of added scenes, and things of that nature. ST:3 and ST:4 were in the same type of packaging, but were called SPECIAL EDITION. They have the same movie that was released in theatres, just adding commentaries and other goodies, but NOT directors cuts of those movies (perhaps none really exist). That is what makes me wonder what ST:5 and ST:6 will be, SE or Directors Cuts.

Nemesis on DVD I wont be running out to the stores to get.
I had to buy "First Contact", even though it's just a standard edition. The soundtrack sounds awesome on my stereo. IMO the best Trek film ever made.
That is what makes me wonder what ST:5 and ST:6 will be, SE or Directors Cuts.

Shatner wanted to do with ST5 what Robert Wise got to do with ST1, that is, go back and recut it and redo effects to bring it up to standard. There was some talk with Paramount but they decided not to proceed. They didn't think it was worth spending the cash on.
I had to buy "First Contact", even though it's just a standard edition. The soundtrack sounds awesome on my stereo. IMO the best Trek film ever made.

Ah, that would be the one where they had to redefine the Borg from being a collective, to being a hive, so that they could engineer a way to defeat them while at the same time managing to make them a lot less sinister and frankly, all a bit dull really.

The best, for me, has got to be Wrath of Khan.
First Contact was definitely the best TNG movie, but I don't really like any of them that much, though I haven't seen Nemesis yet.
I had to buy "First Contact", even though it's just a standard edition. The soundtrack sounds awesome on my stereo. IMO the best Trek film ever made.
It's not bad but my ranking would be a bit different:
#1- ST II- The Wrath of Khan
#2- ST IV- The Voyage Home
#3- ST The Motion Picture
#4- ST VI- Undiscovered Country
#5- ST III- The Search for Spock
#6- ST:TNG First Contact
#7- (tie between) ST V, ST:TNG Generations, ST:TNG Nemesis
For me:

#1 Generations
#2 Insurrection
#3 The Undiscovered Country
#4 Nemesis
#5 The Voyage Home
#6 The Wrath of Khan
#7 First Contact
#8 The Final Frontier
#9 The Search for Spock
#10 The Motion Picture
I knew they were considering letting Shatner recut V, but I didn't realise they had already come to a final decision.

I do not like the final decision. I only saw it once a very long time ago, but I remember it was stupid. I would have been interested to see another take on it.

I have mixed feelings about First Contact. On the one hand, it is the strongest dramatic and action story of the Next Gen flicks and only bested by Kahn of the older ones IMO. On the other hand, they really took the bite out of the Borg by adding the Queen (which was ruined further in Voyager) and potentially screwed up the timeline (further damage being done by Enterprise).
For me:

#1 Generations
#2 Insurrection
#3 The Undiscovered Country
#4 Nemesis
#5 The Voyage Home
#6 The Wrath of Khan
#7 First Contact
#8 The Final Frontier
#9 The Search for Spock
#10 The Motion Picture

Wow, that has to be the first time I've seen anyone say they prefer Insurrection and Generations over Khan, Undiscovered Country and Voyage Home!

I guess my full list would have to be:
1. Wrath of Khan
2. Undiscovered Country
3. Voyage Home
4. First Contact
5. Motion Picture
6. Search for Spock

And all joint last because they really are the bottom of the barrel:

Final Frontier
I knew they were considering letting Shatner recut V, but I didn't realise they had already come to a final decision.

I had a quick search for some news on it, could only find this:
It's about half way down the (long) page, best search on it for Shatner.

I've seen elsewhere a description from Shatner about just what he wanted to redo.
Perhaps if Shatner gets to do a commentary on Final Frontier he may talk about it all.
I heard Shatner wanted to re-do the ending a bit because he felt he was never given enough budget/support/whatever to do it the way he wanted and he felt like the movie didnt really HAVE an ending per say. So I am sure that would cost big bucks, plus there is only so much they could change at this late a time.

Frankly, Im not sure what re-shooting or editing it would accomplish but I would have been curious to see. Probably wouldnt have saved the movie, but may have been an improvement.

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