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Most TV I ever watched in one day...


... was this past Sunday. Most of it was on DVD. Here was my day:

Woke up at 8:00 am (on a Sunday!) even though I came home at like 3:00am. I think (and hope) I'm turning into a morning person.

Planned to hit the gym, but it was raining real hard and my car was parked far away and I guess I was being lazy. So I turned on the TV. Heh.

First I watched the 2nd and 3rd episodes of season 4 of Farscape which I got from Netflix.
Then open my new season 4 box set of B5 and proceeded to view the first three and a half discs in one shot! I was doing a few things around the house while it was on, but still, that is a lot. The cool thing is how well it works, like a long movie (even though I was able to recite most of the dialogue as it was on).

Then it was time for the Sopranos and Deadwood (my new favorite show) on HBO, followed by a few things I had saved on my ReplayTV (Jeopardy!, a replay of the new South Park episode).

My brain hurt by the time I went to sleep.
My longest tv viewing was back in about '93 when I watched the entire Robotech Macross Saga on vhs in one sitting. That was just over 10 hours of tv in a row.
The Extended Editons of "Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Two Towers", plus the Appendices. :D

These are still the best movies ever made.
I have to admit though, when I was receiving the first season of 24 via Netflix, I watched each DVD and didnt stop until it was done. I almost killed myself when I had to report the last DVD missing and they had to send another. Longest days of my life. :p
I have to admit though, when I was receiving the first season of 24 via Netflix, I watched each DVD and didnt stop until it was done.

"How to do 24 hrs in just 16" (if you had had all the discs). I hope you started at midnight so you could watch them "in real time". :)

My longest VHS-sitting was probably watching all (3) Star Wars films in one go. That's gonna be a lot of hard work when there are six of them...


And I'm thinking my three hoursish of TV on Sunday nights is a lot! :D

OK, what do you watch on Sunday nights in the UK that takes three hours? There is virtually nothing on terrestial TV.
I get sick of sitting that long. I have had days where I accomplished nothing, but never all in front of the tv.

It is nice to just kick back and watch shows all day long, though, if you put in enough breaks.

One of the best ideas I ever heard for having a video/DVD party with many people is to rent cartoons to show between the movies. People can then wander in and out doing other things until the next movie is going to be shown. And those old Looney Tune cartoons are quite good when you watch them years later. :cool:
Well, I wasn't just sitting on my ass in one place all day. I was doing taxes, on-line, cleaning up around the house a bit, etc, especially during B5 since I already can recite the dialogue by heart. My most serious viewing was of the new shows, Sopranos and Deadwood, which I watched with my folks. You have to pay close attention to Deadwood because the dialogue can be so confusing.

I bought the Looney Tunes DVDs so that I can watch a short before the "main feature," just like in the old days. Of course I always end up picking my 2 or 3 faves. I've watched Drip-Along Daffy like a bazillion times. But when I have people over, I like to pick one that has a relevant theme to the film- like if it's sci-fi, I'll put on Duck Dodger In the 24th-and-a-half Century (anyone reading this who didn't hear Daffy saying that phrase in the right way, loudly with his finger in the air and then falling off a cliff, is culturally deficient); The Rabbit of Seville before watching Amadeus (though the Barber of Seville was a Rossini opera, it's close enough).

The Extended Editons of "Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Two Towers", plus the Appendices

Nice. That's about as much TV as I watched on Sunday. Good job!
I did it all sitting on my ass. :p

I have a 3 tray DVD player so if I really want to get lazy I could put in 3 DVD's at once and I wouldnt have to get up for hours. :LOL:
Oh that is so nice. Add to that a comfy recliner or Lay-Z-Boy, a nice supply of beer and snax, and that's heaven!
(Yes, I'm a lazy sonuvabich, which is why it's such a big deal for me to get my ass in the gym or to do chores on a Sunday afternoon)
On the subject of cartoons with movies, one of the nice things about the two-disc special edition of Casablanca is that one of the special features is Carotblanca with Bugs Bunny and the Loony Tunes gang. Very nice little extra to have on there.
Me and two of my friends, well we watched 1½ seasons of Stargate in three days. It was kinda... creepy. I saw Stargate dreams etc. After that I was thinking like "not like this.. not like this". :rolleyes:
On the subject of cartoons with movies, one of the nice things about the two-disc special edition of Casablanca is that one of the special features is Carotblanca with Bugs Bunny and the Loony Tunes gang. Very nice little extra to have on there.

Who played Mammy? :LOL:
You know, I was thinking of getting into Stargate. I love the movie, and I'll be finishing Farscape soon. I like having serial story on DVD come in the mail through Netflix. I'll probably get Band of Brothers next, but after, I may look at Stargate.

Carrotblanca isn't a particularly good short- it's a modern one, and those are never good.
I didn't know they were still making Looney Tune cartoons these days. I'm not surprised you say they don't measure up to the classics. (Ever see one called "High Note"? :LOL: No Bugs Bunny or anything, the characters are musical symbols, actually. :cool:)

PR: I assume if it's a Looney Tune they'll do something Looney. But now that I think of it, once their cartoons set down their "rules" they did stick to them, didn't they?

I wonder why no one else has ever been able to quite capture that quality since the old classic ones. There is something very special about them. I can see why people like South Park and the Simpsons, but there was something both "naughty" and "innocent" about the old Looney Tunes. :cool:
Have you ever seen Animaniacs? It was a WB daily cartoon on TV like 10-15 years ago, very good. Same spirit as Looney Tunes but of course modern. Subversive and topical but with music and very kid-friendly.
No, I have not. I'm not sure I've ever even heard of it.

I'm glad to hear the same spirit was recaptured, not so long ago, though. :) :cool:

Side note to old Mighty: o.k. Now that I'm into this netflix thing, where is that list of DVD's you posted some time ago/

I'll need ideas for foreign films, in particular. :D
I tend to like what I see, but have seen relatively little and could use some suggestions. :)

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