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More casting news for Superman

Man, can't Terrance Stamp still pull off ole Zod? That would rock if he could. :)

I thought about that too. I really don't know why he couldn't. Maybe they just think he's too old for the part.
Man, can't Terrance Stamp still pull off ole Zod? That would rock if he could. :)

Man, it just occered to me how many movies he's been in that I liked.....

Wall Street (1987)
Alien Nation (1988)
Young Guns (1988)
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Red Planet (2000)
Elektra (2005)

"Lex Luthor, Ruler of Australia, activate the machine."

He could do Zod still, just like Brando doing Jor-El, he'd just be a bit mature..........(I wonder if Hyp is a fan??? :) )

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