Re: Michael O\'Hare
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Shame about the DVD interview, well lack of it. It seems quite odd to me that they just couldn't track him down.
They did track him down (after considerable effort.) They left a message on his answering machine. He decided against the interview, and didn't call them back. /forums/images/icons/confused.gif
Michael has moved more than once since he left the show all those years ago. It turns out that nobody had a current address or phone number for him - including JMS and the Screen Actors Guild. Sandy Bruckner, former president of the late, lamented official B5 fan club finally provided them with the correct number, and as soon as WHV got it, they called him.
I got the full story on all this from JMS and Ruth O'Hare. She's never said why Michael declined the interview (nor why he never mentioned getting the phone message to her.) May have been a scheduling thing, or he may just not have been interested. But Ruth, at least, now knows that there's a lot of fan interest in having Michael contribute to the DVDs, so I can only hope he'll do an interview and/or a commentary track ("WWE") for the third season set. Or maybe something for an SE of The Gathering or ItB, in the event the WHV decides to revist the first two TV movies.