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LOTR cast comes here: COOL!

I came across a recipe for flarn once - I think it was quoted from the "Dining on Babylon 5" cook book.

Don't remember the details but I think it mostly consisted of tofu and mushed peas or something like that, with onions and garlic and temshwee eggs (temshwee - a Minbari bird) thrown in. There were several other ingredients as well.

So it's apparently not actually a vegetable itself but a special dish. No wonder it takes the Minbari several days to prepare it!

Oh and if you decide to have some, remember to put an extra plate on the table - for Valen, should he ever return.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
Oh, no, you've seen one of the flarn fight threads. (Hypatia hangs her head in shame.)


Better that than the Green vs Purple thread... now it's my turn to hang my head in shame.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
Dean, from coming here, you and your fellow cast members may find that there are very knowledgeable B5 fans here at B5LR. We love our show, and many of us know plenty of things about it, some even memorize the smallest details. I myself don't make that much of a point to analize the show, I just love to watch it. But even from watching every episode of the show at least twice (except for two of them), I have learned a lot myself.
One thing I'd like to comment on what I've learned is that B5 seems so real. It does not look fake, is well written, and in many cases well acted. The show comes off as a realistic picture of what things could very well be like in 260 years, provided races like these on the show really do exist. JMS and company have just done a masterful job in creating such an epic show. I enjoy watching it very much, and I am also looking forward to watchin the Rangers movie, and series if there will be one.

Sheridan to Bester:
And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed your charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> JMS Quotes:
What is spoo?
Spoo is. What else can one say about spoo?

Re: your desire to make and eat spoo at home ... depends on whether or not you ever want to have children later....

Spoo is also Oops spelled backward.

Narns would be considered kosher.
Spoo would simply be considered.

But the question is, what Earth food is most like it?

Meat Jello.
Served chilled.

"Would you like some spoo? It's fresh!"
"Pfah! Get that away from me. Spoo needs to age. It takes time to cultivate its flavor. Fresh spoo would insult a Centauri."

G'Kar and Londo in Babylon 5:"A Tragedy of Telepaths"


Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?

[This message has been edited by bakana (edited August 12, 2001).]
BTW, the description of Spoo makes it pretty clear they are not "Small" worms. Spoo are raised/kept in Herds. Plus, their sighing is so depressing that Spoo Ranchers have to wear ear plugs to keep their sanity. Even so, the suicide rate is rather high.

Small worms wouldn't be able to Sigh loud enough for anyone to hear.

Plus, the preferred method of killing them is to knock them over with a Club. Again, you couldn't do that (or need to) if they were Small. You'd spoil too much of the meat.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Depends how you define "small"...

You could safely club a rat-sized animal (I'm not talking about pet rats here, rather the ones that people usually want to get rid of - the ones up to a foot long) without spoiling the meat.

As for them not being able to sigh loud enough if they were small - ever heard grasshoppers in the summer? Or a bunch of mosquitoes? Or crickets? Believe me, the noise can get loud enough to drive anyone crazy!
And these are quite small creatures I'm talking about.

I have no reason to believe that spoo must sigh quietly, it's quite possible to sigh in a very loud voice...

And I can't believe I'm actually approaching this discussion in a logical, analytical manner!


"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
ooh, I missed this? I'm slipping.

Dean Quote:
It wasn't a large scene but I think he spit on me....

That's called acting of the most profound manner.
Great actors are known and tracked down by mists of spit. I expect to see you spit young man!

This is nifty, you us, the story...Hrmmm.
You really should do live chat, but not when I'm there, it tends to get...er, agrivating.

Speaking of sexy Narns, why arn't Vorlons sexy anymore? IS it that they shut you out with there cold hard exterior, but inside they're beaming with energy, light and are soft? I need a hug.

I now HAVE a quote....Al is a great guy.

[This message has been edited by Babylon-ocholic (edited August 12, 2001).]
Try this on for size
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Spoo is/are (the plural of spoo is spoo) small, white, pasty, mealy critters, rather worm-like, and generally regarded as the ugliest animals in the known galaxy by just about every sentient species capable of starflight, with the possible exception of the pak'ma'ra, who would simply recommend a more rigorous program of exercise. They are also generally considered the most delicious food in all of known space, regardless of the individual's biology, almost regardless of species, except for the pak'ma'ra, who like the flavor but generally won't say so simply to be contrary.
Spoo are raised on ranches on worlds with a damp, moist, somewhat chilly climate so that their skin can acquire just the right shade of paleness. Spoo travel in herds, if moving a total of six inches in any given direction in the course of a given year can actually be considered moving. They stay in herds ostensibly for mutual protection, but the reality is that if they weren't propped up against one another, most of them would simply fall down. They do not howl, bark, moo, purr, yap, squeak or speak. Mainly, they sigh. Herds of sighing spoo can reportedly induce unparalleled bouts of depression, which is why most spoo ranchers wear earmuffs even when it's only mildly cold, damp, wet and dreary outside. If there is any life-or-death struggle for dominance within the spoo herd, it has not yet been detected by modern science.

Spoo ranching is one of the least regarded professions known. Little or no skill is required, once you've got a planet with the right climate. You bring in two hundred spoo, plop them down in the middle of your ranch, and go back to the nearby house. Soon you've got more. When it comes time to cull out the ones ready for market (the softest, mealiest, palest, most forlorn-looking spoo of the pack), little physical effort is required since they're incapable of rapid movement without falling over (see above). They do not resist, fight, or whine; they only sigh more loudly. When spoo harvest time comes, the air is full of the sound of whacking and sighing, whacking and sighing. Even an experienced spoo rancher can only harvest for brief periods of a time, due to the increased volume of sighing, which even the sound of whacking cannot altogether erase. (also see above) Some have simply gone mad.

Spoo are the only creatures of which the Interstellar Animal Rights Protection League says, simply, "Kill 'em."

Fresh spoo (served at an optimum temperature of 62-degrees) is served in cubed sections, so that they bear as little resemblence as possible to the animal from which they have just been sliced. Spoo is usually served alongside a chablis, or a white zinfandel.

Further information on the care, feeding, eating and whacking of spoo can be found in the second edition of the Interstellar Guide to Fine Dining.[1]

Centauri prefer Spoo aged. Narn prefer it fresh.


[1] Taken from a posting by JMS to CompuServe <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am a Ranger. We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no one may pass. We live for the One. We die for the one.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kribu:
Depends how you define "small"...

You could safely club a rat-sized animal (I'm not talking about pet rats here, rather the ones that people usually want to get rid of - the ones up to a foot long) without spoiling the meat.

As for them not being able to sigh loud enough if they were small - ever heard grasshoppers in the summer? Or a bunch of mosquitoes? Or crickets? Believe me, the noise can get loud enough to drive anyone crazy!
And these are quite small creatures I'm talking about.

I have no reason to believe that spoo must sigh quietly, it's quite possible to sigh in a very loud voice...

And I can't believe I'm actually approaching this discussion in a logical, analytical manner!


Kribu, how can any discussion of spoo be approached in a logical manner?

Sheridan to Bester:
And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed your charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.
Thanks Teekas Dragon, that was f**kin' hilarious!! JMS is a mad man!

Reminds me of another mad man who wrote of the problems of travelling faster than the speed of light. Apparently the only thing that can travel faster than the speed of light is bad news. Douglas Adams, another freak.
Can't remember the exact quote but I'm sure someone here can!


ps-Babylon-ocholic, Vorlons do it for ya? Don't kiss 'em in the cold.


[This message has been edited by Dean Marshall (edited August 13, 2001).]
Vorlons? Ohhh, YEAH!

*Pelvic thrusts* Whooahhh!

We have some mad men here ourselves, but I doubt they could come up with such interesting quotes.

Darn, I have to get back into my pelvic-groove.

I now HAVE a quote....Al is a great guy.
I can see that Bab-o is a very happy guy!

Long live the Salad Rangers! We live for the Salad Bar, we die for the Salad Bar.

There's a very interesting site called Babylon Park, and they have a parody commercial for Spoo.

Unfortunately it is down right now, for redesign i believe.

To those who haven't a clue what it is,it's a cross between B5 and South Park.
Abso-fraggin-histerical! i suggest you check back periodically to see when he gets it back up! Actors included! Who knows, you're probably next on his parody list!

Forager Vs Spoosade was the last B5 related one.

Behold the power of the web to attract gifted weirdness!

Aeryn Sun

AERYN: I'm just an ignorant warrior who believes that love means you're willing to fight and die for your fellow living beings. ~Mind the Baby

DELENN: The heart does not recognize boundaries on a map, or wars, or political policies. The heart does as the heart does. ~The Illusion of Truth

[This message has been edited by Aeryn_Sun (edited September 02, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RW7427:
I can see that Bab-o is a very happy guy!


I'd just like to say before I'm off for work that its good to see a very happy guy here. For the last week or so I have noticed some members (who will go nameless) seem to slash out and insult or belittle EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

Now, I'm for having the periodic doldrums, its normal and healthy. But its not healthy as a lifestyle, if you know what I mean!

So, pelvic-thrust until it drives you insa-a-a-a-a-ane! It keeps you a nice person, and a great one to invite to parties!

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
I'd just like to say before I'm off for work that its good to see a very happy guy here. For the last week or so I have noticed some members (who will go nameless) seem to slash out and insult or belittle EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

Now, I'm for having the periodic doldrums, its normal and healthy. But its not healthy as a lifestyle, if you know what I mean!

So, pelvic-thrust until it drives you insa-a-a-a-a-ane! It keeps you a nice person, and a great one to invite to parties!


Gee, that was about as subtle as a ton of bricks smacking me on the head.

If you're so conerned with being all happy and nice and liked, I would suggest you refrain from personal attacks. This sort of thing results in flame wars. No one wants that. And you would lose, anyway.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Babylon Park, that is where the B5 actors go after the wrap party.

Andrew Swallow
GkarsEye, if you feel with complete certainty that you, specifically you, and only you is what I was aiming at, then fine. I confess, I felt at the time I was writing it that the description was beginning to fit a couple of people, so I made the comment. Considering much of what I've read, I felt it rather lightweight, actually.

[This message has been edited by hypatia (edited August 29, 2001).]
I can see what hypatia is referring to, and I also think it's kinda silly, but I don't think it's up to hypatia to try to make everyone nice to each other. I have seen this same thing happen at SCIFI.com's message board, and a lot of people left because of all the fighting that was going on. I would suggest that we all keep in mind that we are here not to fight with one another, but to post because we like B5. Crazy, Solaris, hypatia, CBO, me, all of us are here because we like B5, so coming here and having a good time is what is most important. I say if you don't have anything nice to say to someone, than just ignore them and stick to talking about B5.

Long live the Salad Rangers! We live for the Salad Bar, we die for the Salad Bar.
Girls, girls...you're both pretty.
Lets keep it pleasant huh?

And I must say, if youre to the point where youre taking things a bit personally, and/or giving out lifestyle advice to other users, please, push back the chair, rise up, and get some fresh air. We'll all still be here when you get back.


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