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Lost: \"Confidence Man\" (Spoilers)
Another tremendous episode of "Lost" tonight, this time focusing on Sawyer. Man, he's scum. His demanding a kiss from Kate in exchange for the asthema medication that he didn't have totally earned him that elbow to the head she gave him. And knowing the little we know about Kate -- that she was hunted down, captured, and handcuffed while she was on the plane -- I wouldn't want to mess with her.
Anyone notice the little tiny piece of continuity when Jack punched Sawyer in the jaw at the waterfall? Jack grabbed his shoulder, which if one remembers from last week was dislocated. I like continuity!
The twist that the letter had been written by Sawyer himself because it's what happened to his family when he was a little kid and that he then went on become a con artist like the guy that played his family was something. I started to feel bad for him, but then I remembered how much of an ass he is.
Charlie's promising to get Claire some peanut butter and their sharing the fake peanut butter was sweet.
I'm glad that Sun went to Michael to get him to help her help Shannon. Michael's little "Don't" to Jin after Sun walked away when Michael brought her the eucalyptus was great.
I felt sorry for Sayid when he left the beach at the end. What his character went through in this episode was pretty powerful stuff.
The previews for next week look good. I take it the person that captures Sayid that we only saw blurry and below the face in the previews is Mira Furlan's character?
Another tremendous episode of "Lost" tonight, this time focusing on Sawyer. Man, he's scum. His demanding a kiss from Kate in exchange for the asthema medication that he didn't have totally earned him that elbow to the head she gave him. And knowing the little we know about Kate -- that she was hunted down, captured, and handcuffed while she was on the plane -- I wouldn't want to mess with her.
Anyone notice the little tiny piece of continuity when Jack punched Sawyer in the jaw at the waterfall? Jack grabbed his shoulder, which if one remembers from last week was dislocated. I like continuity!
The twist that the letter had been written by Sawyer himself because it's what happened to his family when he was a little kid and that he then went on become a con artist like the guy that played his family was something. I started to feel bad for him, but then I remembered how much of an ass he is.
Charlie's promising to get Claire some peanut butter and their sharing the fake peanut butter was sweet.
I'm glad that Sun went to Michael to get him to help her help Shannon. Michael's little "Don't" to Jin after Sun walked away when Michael brought her the eucalyptus was great.
I felt sorry for Sayid when he left the beach at the end. What his character went through in this episode was pretty powerful stuff.
The previews for next week look good. I take it the person that captures Sayid that we only saw blurry and below the face in the previews is Mira Furlan's character?