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Londo in the movies


According to imdb.com Londo (Peter Jurasik) appears in the current movie, Runaway Jury, as Professor Phelan!

Has anyone seen the movie?
It is an "A" picture based on a John Grisham novel and starring Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, John Cusak and Rachel Weiz. Got decidely mixed reviews, in part because they changed key aspects of Grisham's story to make the whole thing more politically correct. I think it is actually out of theaters by now, and the DVD will probably be in stores by Christmas. :)

Haven't seen the film myself, so I can't speak to its quality to to Jurasik's role. His credit as "Professor Phelan" leads me to believe that he's an expert consulted by one side or the other in the case, and possibly even called as an expert witness. (The story involves a product liability suit brought against a gun manufacturer.) It isn't a very big role according to the IMDB.

BTW, Peter J. isn't the only B5 alum in the movie - Bruce (Major Ryan) McGill plays the judge.


It is an "A" picture based on a John Grisham novel and starring Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, John Cusak and Rachel Weiz. Got decidely mixed reviews, in part because they changed key aspects of Grisham's story to make the whole thing more politically correct.
Bah, I'll read the book instead, then.

I do remember seeing trailers for it now. I kinda-sorta wanted to take a look at it, especially because Rachel Weisz was in it. :)
I kinda-sorta wanted to take a look at it, especially because Rachel Weisz was in it. :)

Me, too. :) Actually, I sorta wanted to see it because this really hot-looking chick kept flashing on the screen in the TV commercials, but never long enough for me to see who she was. (And those contractually-required "credits" are a joke - too small too read, an not on-screen long enough.) I had to go to the IMDB to find out it was the goddess Rachel.

I'll wait and rent the DVD - that way I can skip to the Rachel scenes. I gave up on Grisham years ago, when he first became famous. A friend of mine lent me a couple of his books - I think his first two in paperback and his third and then newest in hardcover - and I was never able to get past the first couple of chapters of any of them. I didn't like the writing and I wasn't interested in the characters - at least not enough to keep reading. Can't really explain why or point to particular deficiancies (as I can with, say, Anne Rice, another perennial best-seller who does nothing for me) - the books just didn't do it for me.


"More politically correct" is right! I read the book and thought it was pretty good (but certainly not among Grisham's best works), and saw the movie. It's not about suing a cigarette company as in the book, but a gun manufacturer. Of course, all of the defense team (and the top-level gun company white males) are portrayed as money-grubbing creeps. :rolleyes:

What a waste of time, I was tempted to walk out before it was over, but my friend wanted to see it to the end. :mad: :(
Can't say I liked the movie too much and Peter's role was very small. I'm sure i'm the only one in the theatre that had big smile when he popped onto the screen.