Toward the end of No Surrender, No Retreat Sheridan engages in his best sales manner to convince the Earth Force Captains to defect from Clark, appealing to them to clean out Night Watch and the rest of the EarthGov scum and "let the voters decide" whether they were right. Very laudable sentiment. But, it didn't exactly turn out that way. The voters didn't get a chance for a new election. What Sheridan didn't count on was Clark committing suicide. Perhaps the Earth Alliance Charter contained a similar succession provision as our Constitution, allowing Luchenko to step into the Presidency (and power vacuum) without any input from the liberators or the voters. So once again JMS infuses his story with irony, so that instead of Sheridan and his liberators cleaning house in EarthGov, he is threatened with a court-martial is he doesn't get out of Dodge. The story has one more ironic twist with the "voters" in the Leaque of Non-Aligned Worlds making Sheridan President of the universe (metaphorically speaking), but his agreement to respect each member world's right to self-government means he still can't do any house cleaning. To paraphrase Bester, "all that power, and not a government you can control."