one would think the rangers series would most likely focus more on what is going on out on the rim since the end of the shadow war. the Drahk may not have been out in the open before A Call to Arms, but wouldnt it be interesting...
<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> see an episode, perhaps a season cliffhanger, in which the crew of the Liandra tries futilly to warn Sheridan and the Alliance of the impending attack by the planet killer or even of the existence of the Drahk plague. the plague was originally intended for Minbar, perhaps that could eventually be included as well.</font></td></tr></table>
not sure that needed spoilers, but better safe than sorry. anyway, it would also be nice to see more of the new races. after all, didnt B5 take place only in a small portion of the galaxy? the humans rim of known space is quite different from the vorlons and the shadows rim of the galaxy
<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> which they eventually passed beyond.</font></td></tr></table>
this allows for the existence of additional "ancient" threats on the prowl, previously unknown to the humans or minbari. it would be great to see how the rangers explore outside the rim of known space. besides, the humans are reletively new on the galactic scene, it stands to reason that the rangers, who were originally minbari, would have a significantly greater sphere of influence. this would be a great focus for a rangers series