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Kevin Smith reviews Star Wars III (spoilers)

This was one of those situations where I was debating on clicking the link or not. Temptation gave in and I clicked it. All I had to do was read the first paragraph to realize I didn't want to read anymore. I'll wait a couple weeks and see for myself. :D

My anticipation is growing exponentially.
Okay, my "spoiler-free policy" has slipped, but I ain't goin' in there. Still, it's good to hear that more and more people think EpIII is good.

On the other hand, Smith's a longtime SW fan. He might be biased.
I've given up avoiding spoilers for this movie. I find it the best way to suppress my doubts and remain excited.
Damnit, I'm actually getting excited. Just like I did for AOTC, and that was such a fucking disappointment. Will I never learn?
Maybe GL's goal was to make the first two so bad you couldn't help but think the one last is good.

Sort of lowering "the bar" so it's easier to hurdle.
I've given up avoiding spoilers for this movie. I find it the best way to suppress my doubts and remain excited.

I just figured there would be no real spoilers- I mean don't we all know what happens?

Annakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader!!!

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