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JMS doesn't want CRUSADE?

JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Since more than one person on more than one board has "read between the lines" of a JMS post and concluded that he's secretly trying to tell us that he's done with Crusade and has "moved on", I asked the man himself, point-blank, on the moderated newsgroup:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>"...I mean, this last post began with the words, 'It would be possible' and the guy from the other board immediately took this as a 'sign' that you 'really' want the show dead. Is he endowed with superior insight, or am I safe in assuming that when you say 'it would be possible' you mean , 'it would be possible'?

It is a sign that whoever posted that is a dork.

Things take the time they take. The show just barely finished ariing on SFC.

Look at the time frame between when B5 started airing on SFC, and when we got the go-ahead to do Rangers [-- meaning the movie - J.D.]. TV doesn't work in idealized terms... "Gee it did great so let's go out and make a deal RIGHT NOW!" It is a slow, wearing, grinding process. TV is a cautious business.

I have not been told, definitively, "no" by SFC, nor have I been told "yes;" I know what's in their budget to do at this moment, and I know they want to test the B5 waters in general with Rangers. I cannot imagine that, if the show does well, they wouldn't want to revisit Crusade.

But to say that I want the show to die is right up there in the top two percentile of the top ten percent of dumb things I've heard this year. I would love to be able to finish the story, and finish it properly. Until that happens, it will always be an unresolved issue with me.


This should end the whole vexed question of what JMS would like to do, and whether or not there is any chance at all for a Crusade revival, but of course it won't. Too many people are too married to their opinions to be swayed by any fact that can be presented. And plenty of people ignore JMS posts when they contradict their pet theories.

You've seen the threads:

1: "I think that G'Kar is secretly a Vorlon because [insert obscure incident that is taken as a 'clue' here]"

2: "No, this question came up when the episode first aired and here's what JMS posted: [NO, G'Kar is definitely NOT a Vorlon, and that incident was a metaphor for something else entirely - jms]"

1: "Well, I still think G'Kar's a Vorlon. I just wrote a 10,000 word ungrammatical fanfic in which I prove it."


BTW, before someone says, "But they've already tested the B5 waters with the other two shows!", note that neither was a new series running once a week in a prime time slot. There is a world of difference between showing reruns or buying a pre-packaged show off-the-shelf and being involved in the development and production of a prime time series.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited May 18, 2001).]
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Gee that's funny ... I thought a guy like JMS would be above calling fans of his show "dorks." Oh well. My only complaint is with your terminology. Technically, Crusade is already DEAD. What you would like to do is to have Sci-Fi resurrect it. Its not like the show has been sitting around on life support or something ... the plug was pulled some time ago.

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

but umm..hasn't it been on life support.
The reruns have been airing.
JMS still has the story in his head.
And they still have the sets.

That's what I'd call life support.

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?"
Vir - In The Shadow of Z' HA Dum
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Power of Ten, you are a most amazing person. This is a Crusade board, we are fans of Crusade here and and the Sci Fi Channel does have "revival" of Crusade on its mind. Whether that comes to pass or not remains to be seen.

You appear to not be a Crusade fan, if that is the case, why are you here?

Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

You guys must really like this show, because you even refuse to acknowledge the fact that its gone. When I say DEAD, I mean that there has been no production, no "new" episodes no nothing for awhile, except for the re-runs which aired on Sci-fi recently.

I would consider "life support" as a series on hiatus that is barely hanging on by a thread ... not one that was canceled years ago. Does that mean that Crusade is DEAD for all time? I would say so, but that's me. You obviously think otherwise, more power to you.

That still doesn't change the fact that JMS called a fan here a "dork." I just thought it was a rude thing to say for someone who is dependent on us "dorks" to buy his comic books, watch his tv and pay-per-view movies and so forth. I mean people gather here largely because of him and he calls someone here a dork. Thats pretty low-down in my book.

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

I'm amazing? Heck GM, coming from a person with a 200+ I.Q. I'll take that as a compliment. By the way, do you think that Gideon (Gary Cole) was that attractive?

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

POT..you are a dork...and so am I. I'd say we're all dorks(except maybe Joe..)

Dork isn't a horribly offensive word.
Personally it's the last word I'd use to describe you if I wanted to offend you.

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?"
Vir - In The Shadow of Z' HA Dum
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Whatever. If it had been me that called you a dork, you would be ranting and raving about trolls right now. But get serious here, dork isn't an offense term? Please. I'm sorry but if i'm in the business of marketing my stuff all across the country, I would not call any of my potential customers/consumers "dorks." When's the last time you heard Steven King call his fans a bunch of dorks? Chances are that you haven't, because he wouldn't say such a thing.

But if you're right, i suppose we should all get ready for Coca-Cola's new "dork" advertising campaign at next year's superbowl. I'm sure 80 million men won't mind being called a "dork" since, as you say, it isn't offensive.

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

"That still doesn't change the fact that JMS called a fan here a "dork." I just thought it was a rude thing to say for someone who is dependent on us "dorks" to buy his comic books, watch his tv and pay-per-view movies and so forth. I mean people gather here largely because of him and he calls someone here a dork. Thats pretty low-down in my book."

Odd though it may seem to you, not everything in life revolves around money for all people. If jms has an opinion that he knows will offend, he usually goes ahead and says it anyway. That's a big part of what makes him jms.
Crusade was cancelled in the first place because he refused to implement the changes that TNT wanted - and he was pretty vocal about them at the time. If he had kept quiet, who knows what kind of godawful show we would be watching now?

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Who said anything about money? Common curteousy would be well enough. It was us "dorks" who made B5 a success in the first place and us "dorks" who are beating down the walls of the Sci-Fi channel for new B5 material. If that's all that he thinks of his fans, then the hell with him.

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

POT, you are wrong. I get called a dork all the time and I don't mind at all.

and I don't rant and rave about trolls. I complain when trolls rant and rave.

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?"
Vir - In The Shadow of Z' HA Dum
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Well then that's good for you... I seriously doubt others would be willing to "take it on the chin" as well as you.

As far as the troll thing goes... good for you again.

None of that changes his comments however. I simply think it would be best if he apologized.

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Mods, look the other way, please. Thanks.

POT, you are a dork. You are not just a dork, you are the King of the Idiot Dorks. You need to get a life. You've got way too much time on your hands, and for some reason you've taken a stance against Babylon 5 in all its incarnations. We are here to enjoy B5, not to attack it.

Get a life, Dork.

"Hello. I want to welcome back our viewers. We've been gone a long time."
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Where did I say anything against B5? I happen to like B5. Why else would I be here?

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

POT, you are a dork. But you are also right. It was you dorks who made B5 a success in the first place. I've been to a B5-convention in my country once, and 90% of the 'fans' were dorks.
But you dorks made it possible for a few real fans to enjoy the show AND it's spinoff Crusade.

I thank all you dorks for that

And I like to thank Joseph DeMartino for bringing the good news to us.

It takes a very logic and precise mind...
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

JMS was right, the fan was a "dork".

dork noun [C] SLANG
a stupid, awkward person

OK, after the definition, and this string of arguing, the word "dork" fits only the description of the fan obsessed with G'kar being a Vorlon. Not only is it stupid, but it is awkward.

(intentionally) not helpful; uncooperative

Even after JMS said he was not a Vorlon, this fan was intentionally uncooperative, continuing to argue his lost and moot point.

Lets move on...

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

yeah POT I never,not even once,recall you having something positive to say about the show...or..well..anything.

You should notify guiness for being the most cynical person on the planet.

And I personally commend JMS for being so straight forward about how he feels.

And it's not like he went on national television and said it.

He said it to Joe and Joe let us see it.

Number of ppl offended:1 = you.

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?"
Vir - In The Shadow of Z' HA Dum
Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

Actually, (if I read DeMo's post correctly) JMS called any fan a dork who "read between the lines" a certain way from past comments that he made (which was the entire reason DeMo asked the question in the first place). In whatever the context, it seemed wholly unwarranted, rude and unwise. A person in his position should simply apologize and try to keep from blowing up at fans in the future.

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

What can I say Mr. Cotto ... I'm sorry that you've never seen any of my positive comments about B5. They would have thrilled you to no end, I'm sure.

Cynical? What can I say, I used to be a reporter.

Well, that's good that you don't condemn JMS for calling his fans dorks. I think otherwise.

And does it really matter what medium the guy said it in? The fact was that he said it and it got repeated.

Me offensed? Actually, I wasn't even one of the people that was "reading in between the lines." As someone who has been involved with public relations I just thought it was a very unwise thing to say, because things like this have a way of getting out. Its always best to throw out a general apology.

Re: JMS doesn\'t want CRUSADE?

or alternatively you could stop reading between the lines.

I'd be pissed if someone was misreading what I was saying to. And I'd have every right to correct them regardless of whether or not I had "fans."

Get over it you dork. You and everyone who was doing that deserved it.

It's not like he said "anyone who thinks that is a g*d damn assh**e and I don't want them watching my shows or reading my books."

he called you a dork. get over it.

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?"
Vir - In The Shadow of Z' HA Dum