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Jerry Doyle's glitch...

Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

Ok, this is just a little thing, but it really bothers me -

In "Grey 17 Is Missing" (an episode promising SO much in its title, but is actually kinda weak), there's that really kewl part where Garibaldy is going up in the elevator and starts counting the seconds... Now, when he goes up between 16 and 17, he's supposed to think it's gonna be only "one, two, three!", like in the other floors, and that's what he's supposed to say... He's supposed to go "one, two, three!", then wait a little, and the elevator stops.

But instead, he goes "one, two, three...", as if expecting "four"... That makes no sense!

Is it possible Jerry Doyle just slipped a little as an actor?...

I dunno how the heck this got passed the editing...

Comments, suggestions?

P.S - No comment on this on the lurker's page, btw.
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

Garibaldi had worked out that there was a hidden floor. What he did not know was where that floor was. On 'three' the lift should be slowing but it kept going.
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

That's impossible
It should've only slowed down after he finished saying three

Besides, he only looked surprised when saying "four", not when saying "three"... Argh, this is one of these things SO difficult to explain on the net...
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

Ok, this is just a little thing, but it really bothers me -

In "Grey 17 Is Missing" (an episode promising SO much in its title, but is actually kinda weak), there's that really kewl part where Garibaldy is going up in the elevator and starts counting the seconds... Now, when he goes up between 16 and 17, he's supposed to think it's gonna be only "one, two, three!", like in the other floors, and that's what he's supposed to say... He's supposed to go "one, two, three!", then wait a little, and the elevator stops.

But instead, he goes "one, two, three...", as if expecting "four"... That makes no sense!

Is it possible Jerry Doyle just slipped a little as an actor?...

I dunno how the heck this got passed the editing...

Comments, suggestions?

P.S - No comment on this on the lurker's page, btw.

That was no glitch. He did it perfectly. At the beat of four, he was noticing how it hadn't stopped yet, and how it took six seconds to reach the next floor stop.
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

[quote At the beat of four, he was noticing how it hadn't stopped yet


Yeah, only that he did it on the beat of THREE...
He went "One, two, threeeeee..." as if he KNEW there was gonna be a four...
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

I know what you mean, I noticed it as well. When Doyle knew there would be only a count of three between the floors, Garibaldi counted it out as if he expected to get to only 3. But when Doyle knew there would be more than three, Garibaldi counted it out as if he expected to have to count to higher numbers. It is hard to explain in text to someone who doesn't already know what you're talking about.
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

Hmm... I can get it on audio...
that would clear things up ^_^! er...i haven't really seen the episode though, so i won't be able to give a viable stand as to whether it was a slip, or something intended from the start o_O
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

[quote At the beat of four, he was noticing how it hadn't stopped yet

Yeah, only that he did it on the beat of THREE...
He went "One, two, threeeeee..." as if he KNEW there was gonna be a four...


Garibaldi was looking for a missing floor and using the time to travel between named floors to find it.

Think back to how a rising lift works.
It accelerates from stationary, travels at constant speed and then slows down & stops.

On a normal single level change:
One - accelerating.
Two - constant.
Three - slowing down.

Behind out ears human beings have accelerometers that allow us to detect such changes in velocity.

On a two floor level change:
One - accelerating.
Two - constant.
Three - constant.
Four - constant.
Five - constant.
Six - slowing down.

With the constant speed continuing at "Three" Garibaldi would know that something was different.

Sometimes you look to see what is there, other times you join Sherlock Homes in wondering why the dog did not bark.

Note: two floors should take less than 6 seconds but lets not make things too complicated.
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

I don't agree...

Look, what Garibaldy expected was what you call a normal single level change.

One - Accelerating
Two - Constant
Three - Slowing down

Therefore, as before, he should've gone - One... (Accelerating), Two... (Constant), and THREE - Slow down.

However, he acted as if expecting a TWO level change. He was going "One...(Accelerating), Two...(Constant), Three... (Constant)".

of course once seeing the constant speed is continuing on 3, he noticed the change.

But THINK - Garibaldy was SAYING the "three" expecting a continuation. Meaning his brain was expecting the continuation of the constant speed BEFORE it was happening.

What would be NORMAL is for him to go "One... Two... THREE! Hey, why is this elevator still going?!"

THAT would've been normal.
I rest my case.
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

Here is a crappy explination for the glitch. He was doing this for 17 floors so the guy is bored. He just counts until it stops. This time he counts and since he's so bored he just keeps going. Only then does he reailize something is wrong. Hows that :p :D
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

Here is a crappy explination for the glitch. He was doing this for 17 floors so the guy is bored. He just counts until it stops. This time he counts and since he's so bored he just keeps going. Only then does he reailize something is wrong. Hows that :p :D

Heheh... That's actually kinda cute, and even makes a little sense...

Not that I'm gonna buy it for a second :D.
Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

I always thought that Garibaldi was surprised that there WAS a four. Everything should have stopped on three, but it didn't. Like if I was riding down the road in a car and watching the white lines go by, I could count the space between white lines "Okay, line...1..2....3...line....1..2..3..line...1..2...3...4?...5?!...6?!? Hey what happened to - AHHH!! TREE!!" and so forth. I think his emphasis on "Three" during the previous floors I think was just his relief that the pattern was repeating. With a repeating pattern, he could easily test his theory about Grey 17.

It actually did turn out to be bit of a disappointing episode, didn't it?

Re: Jerry Doyle\'s glitch...

"Okay, line...1..2....3...line....1..2..3..line...1..2...3...4?...5?!...6?!? Hey what happened to - AHHH!! TREE!!"



I still think it was a glitch.

Unless he EXPECTED there to be more than "1...2...3" in grey 17... hmmm... I need to check my theories again...

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