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Jeffrey Combs' character


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Jeffrey Combs\' character

I just interviewed Jeff Combs, who was of course in B5 at one point. It was about his Enteprise roles, not B5. Sorry.
It will be published at a Trek website, and I'll let you all know about it when the time comes.

Anyway, I have a question. As most of you know, I'm a bit of a gatecrasher to the B5 universe only getting into this this year! And although I've seen B5 twice now in that time, my memory is still foggy. I remember Jeff being in it, but not really what he was up to, or who his character was. Jeff couldn't seem to remember a lot either, but it's an even longer time for him of course!

Would someone care to fill me in?

It was great speaking to him, and quite scary. Most of the people I've had the pleasure of interviewing I haven't even really seen on TV. But this is WEYOUN! I just admire Jeff so much for his many roles, but Weyoun in particular. So it was an honor, a privelege, and a bit scary!

Plus I'm so tired, I hope it didn't come across in the interview!

"In the book which is my memory, on the first page of the chapter which is the day that I met you, appear the words: 'Here begins a new life'"
Re: Jeffrey Combs\' character

He's in the first season episode Eyes, playing a mildmannered telepath assinged to the rather unstable Colonel Ari Ben Zayn (who wants to proove Sinclair's disloyal to Earth Force and take over the station himself). His character actually showed up in one of the early (non-canon) B5 books... Voices IIRC.

"When a spark goes online, there's great joy --
When one's extinguished, the universe weeps." (audio)
-- Rhinox, "The Spark", Beast Wars

Re: Jeffrey Combs\' character

Combs played Harriman Grey, in the episode "Eyes". He was a member of Psi-Corp, and was the attache to Colonel Ari ben Zayn a man who was out for revenge for Sinclair getting command of B5 instead of him. Grey was sort of the good guy of the two.

"I welcome you and present this place to you as a gift. I am called Valen, and we have much work ahead of us."
-Valen, War Without End Pt.2
Re: Jeffrey Combs\' character

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sinclair:
Combs played Harriman Grey, in the episode "Eyes". He was a member of Psi-Corp, and was the attache to Colonel Ari ben Zayn a man who was out for revenge for Sinclair getting command of B5 instead of him. Grey was sort of the good guy of the two.


Yes, he turned out to be quite honorable. IIRC, he was a P10, didn't like Bester, and kind of had a crush on Ivanova. A-OK in my book. I remember him more for Harriman Gray than I do as any other character (probably because he wasn't wearing any heavy alien makeup) in Eyes.

Eyes Season 1 #16

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 19, 2002 at 9PM on The Sci-Fi Channel.
Re: Jeffrey Combs\' character

The other notable item about the character of Harriman Gray was that he had always wanted to be in Earth Force, but once his psi talent manifested itself that became impossible since telepaths can't join Earth Force. He enjoyed being at least minimally associated with Earth Force by being the Colonel's liason even though he disliked the Colonel. Definitely not your usual telepath.

"Triple cypher...wine...women...song." - Ambassador Londo Mollari, Born to the Purple
Re: Jeffrey Combs\' character

Another important thing about that character, I think, is that it made Susan come to think that perhaps not all members of Psi-Corps were horrible people. Sure, she still hated them, but she understood that some were more eager, so to speak, than others. Bester, on one hand, was all gung-ho Mr. I Love Psi-Corp, and Grey on the other hand, who felt he had no choice and did what he did reluctantly and did his best to do it honorably.

This could have mentally and emotionally prepared Susan for her relationship with Talia as Talia came to change her opinion of the Corps.

And Weyoun did totally kick-ass. Second best character in DS9 (Dukhat was the first).

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."

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