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Is the B5 encyclopedia canon?

If you mean J. Michael Strazynskis Guide to Babylon 5 on CD, that came with the "Best of Babylon 5" audio CD, I think so. I would assume, but you never know.

If JMS's stuff isn't considered canon, what is?

"Why not? Only 1 Human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."

[This message has been edited by hypatia (edited July 10, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Eek! Do I have to be baptized or something for the B5 universe? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, there IS the First Church of Joe.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
The Church of Joe mailing list is for worshippers of JMS or the other deities of the Church. To subscribe, send mail to majordomo@pacifier.com with the following message body: subscribe coj-list

I have no idea if the Church is still active.

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I got curious, so I decided to look up the definition of “canon” in the dictionary. Two of the earlier definitions were:
“A regulation or dogma decreed by a church council”
“An authoritative list of books accepted as Holy Scripture”

Eek! Do I have to be baptized or something for the B5 universe?

"Why not? Only 1 Human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Is the B5 encyclopedia (CD) canon?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
AFAIK - yes. I've heard from other B5 license holders (namely AoG, makers of the B5W game) that they were mostly required by their license masters to keep to the things from the CD guide, even if they didn't like it too much. I'd say that's pretty good evidence for it being "canon"

What do you want?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
AFAIK - yes. I've heard from other B5 license holders (namely AoG, makers of the B5W game) that they were mostly required by their license masters to keep to the things from the CD guide, even if they didn't like it too much. I'd say that's pretty good evidence for it being "canon"

If they don't like the way JMS wrote it, they shouldn't be trying to play in his universe.


Yes, I like cats too.
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