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Is a feature film likely right now?


As most of us probably know, the Firefly movie was just officially greelight (greenlighted??). But for months now we’ve been reading reports from trade sources that negotiations were ongoing.

So my question is, is it likely that the new B5 project is a feature considering that we have heard nothing from any other source? If, as JMS said, papers have indeed been signed, shouldn’t we have heard something from someone, like the Hollywood Reporter or something?

As most of us probably know, the Firefly movie was just officially greelight (greenlighted??).

But for months now we’ve been reading reports from trade sources that negotiations were ongoing.

So my question is, is it likely that the new B5 project is a feature considering that we have heard nothing from any other source? If, as JMS said, papers have indeed been signed, shouldn’t we have heard something from someone, like the Hollywood Reporter or something?


Might it be a feature film, sure. In fact I find that to be the most likely scenario (although it's by no means certain).

However it's worth keeping in mind that while the contracts for some movies are negotiated in the media, most are not. And JMS has (to my recollection) never played that card. Even when he has had good reason to complain and use the fanbase for support, he has not done so and instead kept silent and handled negotiation privately. There is no reason to expect him to do otherwise in this instance.

And as long as both (all) parties respect this, then it is no surprise that it has not generated any news in the Hollywood Reporter.

If it is a movie, they will anounce it at a time they believe to be 'right'. Until then everyone will stay quiet about it.
When that right time is is a more difficult matter to determine but from JMS posts we can infer that it is a matter of weeks, maybe a few months. Given that he is reportedly working on the first revision (or second draft) that could mean that the movie (or whatever it is) is scheduled to begin pre-production around that time. So the initial news (assuming it is a theatrical movie) would probably be accompanied by an announcement that the following actors have been signed on and probably also a director.
Being something of a moviebuff (is that the way you use that word in English, I'm not entirely sure), I have to concur with ibwolf on
So the initial news (assuming it is a theatrical movie) would probably be accompanied by an announcement that the following actors have been signed on and probably also a director.

90% of the time, when you read an announcement on the internet of a new film slated to be shot, it is usually accompanied by casting (or director) news.
A general exception being high profile projects (like the ongoing buzz around the new Batman movie, which started several script versions ago)
There is no "standard model" for these things. Each deal is different, and the way things get announced is different. It also depends on how things are "packaged". A film that starts with a script or a book and a star in search of a director will be hyped differently than one that starts with book or a script and a director. Some roles may be cast and announced early while others are left open during lengthy talent searches. (Does anyone remember Sean Young lobbying for the role of Catwoman on talk shows in a home-made costume?) Some projects are hyped by rumor, rather than press release, and officially denied. When Steven Speilberg acquired the rights to AI the rumor mills were grinding for months about who would be in it, and how and when it would be shot. In fact the studios involved (it was a co-production because of the costs) were denying that all the contracts were in place while Speilberg was shooting the first day's scenes on the backlot at Warner Bros. (I happened to be there that day with a group from the Home Theater Forum, and we had our tour of the studio cut short because certain streets on the backlot were suddenly cordoned off by very serious looking security types. Two days later Warner Bros. held a press conference to announce that production had started on the film, but only after word about the filming leaked out.)

So I don't think we can make any assumptions about the nature of the new project, TV movie, mini or feature film, based on what has or hasn't been reported (or rumored) on internet sites or in the Hollywood trades.


Excuse me for being a bit dense here , But what do you mean by a feature film ? do you mean either
1) tv movie e.g. river of souls , call to arms
2) star trek Nemesis with a big budget an all .
would it premiere on tv ? like lotr ? or be released in cinemas or dvd ?
I just hope that whatever the project is, it doesn't interfere with any of the actors appearing at Dragon Con over Labor Day weekend!


DaRkEnEdStAr: like lotr ? :confused:

Kosh: Like "lotr". ;)

Flounder: Ok, Kosh. Did you mean like Legend of the Rangers or like Lord of the Rings? :eek:

Kosh: Yes. :cool:

All: Aargh! :mad: :rolleyes: :( :eek: :confused:
I don't care what it is...as long as he bluddy well tells us before I slip into a coma!


You're feeling like that, too, huh? :rolleyes:

DaRkEnEdStAr: like lotr ? :confused:

Kosh: Like "lotr". ;)

Flounder: Ok, Kosh. Did you mean like Legend of the Rangers or like Lord of the Rings? :eek:

Kosh: Yes. :cool:

All: Aargh! :mad: :rolleyes: :( :eek: :confused:

"Kosh: Like "lotr". ;)" is a declarative statement. Kosh would never like B5:LotR, has to mean Lord of the Rings.

Kosh would never say "Aargh!"

I just hope that whatever the project is, it doesn't interfere with any of the actors appearing at Dragon Con over Labor Day weekend!


Aisling! Bite your tongue! You're saying you'd rather have the actors at the con, if that means no new project?

If they need to be on the set of a B5 motion picture and have to miss any con I'm at...well I say...see ya next year!!! Or maybe even at the premier :D

Reasonably, they wouldn't miss anything that close. No matter what this is, and I've made my case for why it's a feature film, there will be a fairly decent length of time for pre-production...and as respectful as JMS is to the fans...I think they would work around any large fan gathering where any of them were already expected.

But if they can't be there because they're shooting a B5 film...I'm ok with that...really. :D
Aisling! Bite your tongue! You're saying you'd rather have the actors at the con, if that means no new project?


I'm just saying that I hope that filming is conveniently not happening over Labor Day Weekend! It'd really cramp my style... :)

Anyway, Peter Jurasik, Rick Biggs and Jason Carter are already booked for that weekend. So is Harlan Ellison and Peter David (all of them are coming to Dragon Con except Rick and Jason, who are doing a cruise with their own group, The Biggs/Carter Experience). With so many key B5 people unavailable (or having to reschedule), I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that maybe there's a late summer filming hiatus or something... <g>
