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Intolerable Cruelty


The new Big Romantic Comedy has, for me, one major thing for it and one against it:

Against: a beautiful romantic comedy of beautiful people with beautiful problems. Ugh.

For: Directed by the Coen brothers.

If it has some of the charm an irreverance of Raising Arizona or The Big Lebowski then it may be worth a look. However, in order to preserve my sense of masculinity, if I do go see this it will be with a chick as opposed to my usual practice of going to films alone.
With the Coen Bros. I would expect this to be "a beautiful romantic comedy .... with beautiful problems" in much the same way that Raising Arizona was "a touching family film about a young couple trying to start a family". :cool:

There is no argueing the "beautiful people" part. Then again, I have yet to find a movie situation where looking at Catherine Zeta-Jones was a bad thing. ;)
I know nothing about the new movie other than I have heard it is being released.

All I can think of now is a guy with a stocking on his head running through the streets with "Pampers" under his arm, being shot at, running for his moving getaway car. :LOL:

"Raising Arizona" was great fun, indeed. :LOL: :D :cool:
With the Coen Bros. I would expect this to be "a beautiful romantic comedy .... with beautiful problems" in much the same way that Raising Arizona was "a touching family film about a young couple trying to start a family".

Raising Arizona was deliberately wacky (I can't think of that word without hearing a bicycle horn in my head). Cruelty seems to be designed for a mainstream audience.

And, no, Jones is not hard on the eyes. My admiration for her beauty is just as high as it was when I first saw her in Zorro and my jaw dropped to the floor, my eyes bugged out, I pounded my head in with a mallet, and said "Hubba-hubba."
Raising Arizona was deliberately wacky (I can't think of that word without hearing a bicycle horn in my head). Cruelty seems to be designed for a mainstream audience.

In this case, I consider "mainstream" to be a relative thing. "More mainstream than most Coen Bros. movies" I can buy. However, based solely on the clips in the 30 second TV ads, it does not look to me like it is being played as what I would consider a truly mainstream romatic comedy. To me it looks more reminiscent of Ruthless People than of Sleepless in Seatle.
I believe I've seen all the Coen Brothers films, and liked them all. I'm sure it will be bent in some way. I even learned to like George Clooney by watching O, Brother, where art thou? Catherine Z-J is about as good looking as can be, maybe she'll finally convince me she can really act, with the Coen Bros. help.
Yeah, I really wanted to hate pretty boy Clooney, but after Solaris and O Brother Where Art Thou, I can dig him. He's not a particularly great actor, but very likeable. He is often described as the modern Cary Grant, and I think that's accurate.

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