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**In Starlight** Major additions



Those who checked out In Starlight when it first opened after the Rangers telefilm might want to head back over for another look. Lots more has been added. With more on the way! Babylon 5 character bios, Crusade bios, Crusade images, Jeremiah images and much more!


**In Starlight** | In Starlight's Forum

"There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet."
--Galen, 'Crusade'
It's very good like it alot

Not bad! Nice graphics but slow as heck. Oh, and popup windows suck. Plus, I wanted to see what you had in your Jeremiah section and none of the links worked. Oh well.

A nice start of a web site though!

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Abyss : Jeremiah
Tell your friend, if I were a god, I would have more hair and a deeper voice. --JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:
Not bad! Nice graphics but slow as heck. Oh, and popup windows suck. Plus, I wanted to see what you had in your Jeremiah section and none of the links worked. Oh well.

A nice start of a web site though!


Really?! I coulda sworn the links worked when I checked them...then again, it was 2am Friday. Sorry about that, I will check things out. Hopefully it will be all "fixed" soon.
As far as the site, yeah there is alot more to come. Heck, took me months to get my X-Files site going WELL when it first opened two years ago.


**In Starlight** | In Starlight's Forum

"There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet."
--Galen, 'Crusade'
Alright, Jeremiah section linkage problems repaired. And as far as the popup, just minimize it when you first see it, you won't have it popping up anymore that way.


**In Starlight** | In Starlight's Forum

"There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet."
--Galen, 'Crusade'

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