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I was wrong


Beyond the rim
Well folks, I am very happy to say that it looks like I was wrong. According to JMS's most recent post, it seems that TMoS still has life. I'm still gunshy, I won't have fun debating and discussing what TMoS is about until the official press release from WB. However, this burned B5/Crusade fan is gettin' ready to take the bandages of.
Well if I remember your post correctly, I wouldn't call you "wrong." I think you said you gave it about 70% chance. I agreed with those odds, and frankly I would still only improve those odds to 80% until more concrete info is coming out.

There is nothing wrong with being realistic. The fact is that NOTHING is set in stone till contracts are signed and announcements are made.

I also think its funny some people are calling people who make posts like that "pessimists." How is giving something a 70% chance that something WILL HAPPEN being pessimistic? Those people are the ones focusing on the 30% negative not me. :) To me 70% is good odds. I just think its funny that people focus on the fact that you can say there is a 30% chance of it not happening, instead of a 70% chance of it occuring.

With some folks around here you either have to have zero doubt whatsoever, or you catch hell for it. I believe in the whole faith manages thing, but I also believe in being realistic. And theres nothing wrong about still giving TMoS an 80% chance.

Things CAN still go wrong, but according to 80%, for those who aren't math specialists, I am saying that I am very confident that things will turn out OK.

I agree with you.
This is a matter of pure statistics. Even though, apparently B5:TMoS is a project that is being under development, the only possibility to have 100%, is whenever WB announces the date of exibition in theaters.

Even during production, in statistics, you have perhaps even 99%, but the 1% could correspond to an accident, or something else.


Well, sometimes films just aren't released. At least in the past that has happened. A film that has been completely written, filmed, edited and ready to ship out can end up on someone's shelf. I doubt it happens much anymore with direct-to-dvd markets, but I'm pretty sure it has happened in the past.

*Hyp is trying for the Most Pessimistic At The Board award. :devil: *

O.K. maybe I'm not quite that bad. But I was starting to wonder if the long period of silence was not a very bad sign.
Hollywood is a minefield. I'll breath a sigh of relief when i sit in the theatre and watch it.

Until then, i'll just cross my fingers.

And 70% is good odds. ;)
I hope that it *does* happen, but we have had bad breaks in the past. Maybe the third time will be the charm (first=Crusade, second=Rangers, third=TMoS).

There is a definate lackof optimism in this thread.
You see what I am talking about. Shit like this is exactly my point. How is giving a movie a 70% chance or 80% chance of happening NOT optimistic?

I am not saying it won't happen. I am saying that I am 80% sure it WILL happen.

80% isn't just a glass is half full...its saying that the glass is 80% full! So you all need to relax. :)
Of course, he could be using subtlety.

If his glass is 80% full then by necessity it must also be 75% full, right? ;)

Or perhaps he got thirsty. :D
Like I said...pessimists! :rolleyes:

Yea, like you've never heard of a film that was going to be made that never was actually made (or finished, or marketed).

I hope he has great luck this time. A B5 feature film I'd actually drive north to catch. And the brilliant success of a B5 film might just possibly lead to a raising of expectations for the future of cinema science fiction. :cool:

Or am I being too overly optomistic now? :p
Like I said...pessimists! :rolleyes:

Yea, like you've never heard of a film that was going to be made that never was actually made (or finished, or marketed).

I hope he has great luck this time. A B5 feature film I'd actually drive north to catch. And the brilliant success of a B5 film might just possibly lead to a raising of expectations for the future of cinema science fiction. :cool:

Or am I being too overly optomistic now? :p

Damned optimists! :rolleyes:

whats shit about calling certain replies pessimistic?

When you have seen what I have seen you learn to become optimistic SFB

oh and the SHIT bit in Recoils post..

Please note ....

People have the same right to an opinion as you.

Manners cost absolutely NOTHING you know.

I just think it is a shame. Still the tension must be getting to you - PROZAC TIME!!


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