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"Hollywood really [isn't] quite literate..."

\"Hollywood really [isn\'t] quite literate...\"

Re: The upcoming X-Files-meets-the-Bible series, Revelations:

In a teleconference with reporters, John Rhys-Davies (The Lord of the Rings, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Sliders), who plays skeptical scientist in Revelations, was asked about Hollywood's speedy drift toward religion. "Filthy lucre would be the great motivator, wouldn't it?" he responded.

"By and large, all the bad things you hear about Hollywood are true," he continued. "...There are very few people who actually understand that a good story done well may just attract an audience and make money. The people who are in charge of Hollywood really are not quite literate in any real sense, and very few of them actually understand what a good story is...But the reason Hollywood has discovered good and evil is that people believe in it."


Always one of my favorite actors.


Re: \"Hollywood really [isn\'t] quite literate...\"

There was a spot in the LotR:RotK:EE special features in which they were showing the various wrap parties they had as actors gradually got done with prin. phot. and re-shoots. In one of those segments, John Rhys Davies was making a speech or giving a toast in which he was complementing the New Zealand producers, crew, tech/fx guys, etc. He talked about how friendly and fully dedicated they were to the whole production.

At one point, he said something like, "You don't find that in LA," and I think he might have included either London, NY, or Vancouver in on that too, but he appeared to be very emotional making the comment. He actually seemed touched that the NZ crew was so good at what they did and concentrated more on art & story than on making money, and in comparison, offended at how business-like LA is.

I might have to look thru the DVD to find that moment, because I feel like I'm rambling trying to describe it from my fuzzy memory. The gist is, even though I haven't seen him in many movies or TV shows, I think I like him too, for his spirit if nothing else.
Re: \"Hollywood really [isn\'t] quite literate...\"

Ninja Squirrel, I mainly know him from his part in "Shogun". I started watching Sliders just because he was on it about 2 months before he quit it. When he quit, I stopped watching it. :LOL:

Yes, he is an excellent actor.
Re: \"Hollywood really [isn\'t] quite literate...\"

Wow, talk about little known facts. That would've been quite a different portrayal.
Re: \"Hollywood really [isn\'t] quite literate...\"

Gee, TV and movies aren't literate? Thank goodness I have a library card.
Re: \"Hollywood really [isn\'t] quite literate...\"

Interestingly enough, he was almost cast as Sinclair in our fave show.

Wow. That would have been very different. Davies is slimmer now, but I think way back then he was still more hefty. So, the physical appearance of Sinclair would have been quite different.

I wonder if he would have played it with his natural British accent.

I wonder how a Davis-played Sinclair would have gotten along with Garibaldi.