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Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscape


Super Moderator
I just came across this fan-made advertisement for Farscape The Peacekeeper Wars over on the Frell Me Dead board (I came to it by way of a thread on Kansas).

I don't know how many folks here are fond of Farscape, but I thought the ad was so frelling hillarious that I had to share it.

The Frell Me Dead thread for the ad

The first post in the thread has the link for downloading it. It's in Quicktime. It's short (15 seconds), no images from the show were used (copyright issues and all that with it being a fan-made ad and all that), and it's kind of a brief recap of what's happened in the show through the four seasons it was on.

Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

That is a perfect synopsis of Farscape. :D
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

Yup. :)

In addition to the content of the ad, I think the voice doing the naration is perfect! The delivery of the lines gives me a tremendous happy!
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

One can never go wrong with the minimalist approach.

Sidenote: my sister is now a Farscape convert, watching the marathons recorded on our DVR.
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

Sidenote: my sister is now a Farscape convert, watching the marathons recorded on our DVR.

Well done, sir. I have been unable to convert anyone to Farscape. :rolleyes: B5...great success, but not for Farscape.
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

I'm getting my sis into B5, too. We're up to Mind War, but now Farscape is getting all her attention until the miniseries.
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

I have to keep the TV off of Sci Fi during the day, or I'd be a vegetable in front of it for 8 hours.
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

...or I'd be a vegetable in front of it for 8 hours.

I hear that. With the exception of "Bone To Be Wild," during which I took a bit of a nap since it's an episode I'm not too fond of, I've been curled up under my comforter with the cool air blowing in through my window, watching most of the marathon today. 'Bout time I was able to be awake for most of it unlike yesterday and Friday. Of course, right now, I'm at my puter while watching "Mind The Baby."
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

I liked Bone to be Wild. Quite enjoyable. I watched Mind the Baby. That ep always irritated me.
Re: Hillariously Great Fan-made Advert for Farscap

That's one of the great things about Farscape. Sometimes the "bad guys" win. (Actually, sometimes it seems like they get into periods where the "good guys" never really win. They just manage to survive ..... more or less.)

1) It keeps the audiance guessing because, unlike a lot of shows, you don't always know how the episode is going to turn out.

2) It keeps the antagonists as legitimate threats to be taken seriously.

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