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Got S2 DVD box set, but DVD player don't work


Got S2 DVD box set, but DVD player don\'t work

The Shadows got to my DVD player a few months ago, and I haven't had the money to get it fixed or replaced. So now all I can do is stare at this lovely blue box set. :rolleyes:
Re: Got S2 DVD box set, but DVD player don\'t work

Get thee a DVD-ROM drive :)

They're getting pretty cheap nowadays. ;)
Re: Got S2 DVD box set, but DVD player don\'t work

Oh I do, but it's a laptop and I don't feel like looking at a 15" LCD screen for that long. I will just take the box set over to the boyfriend's place and watch it there.
Re: Got S2 DVD box set, but DVD player don\'t work

Well, mine is 15" and i love to watch movies with it. But im glad you are watching it at a friend´s, I would never watch s2 the first time in the computer, nothing is better than a good old fashioned tv :)
Re: Got S2 DVD box set, but DVD player don\'t work

Well, mine is 15" and i love to watch movies with it.

I almost moved this to NC-17 (since we don't have a "wishful thinking" forum) out of sheer reflex. :) And ask what the "movie" part meant, exactly. Then I read the post that preceded it and realized that we were talking about LCD panesl and monitors.


Re: Got S2 DVD box set, but DVD player don\'t work

Thanks Joe. :)

BTW got to watch some of my DVD's last night as my boyfriend's place. Turns out he is a fan, hell he even knew that B5 broke away from Earth. Guess I should keep this one (well while I'm still in the USA at least)

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