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Galen prior to ACtA (possible spoilers?)


Okay, so I watched ACtA again last night and I was thinking ... the way Galen describe it, the Techno-Mage Circle really frowns on his outside contact and it seems he isn't allowed to leave the Hiding Place ... yet in the Legions of Fire books, he does leave - and leave only days before the events of ACtA. Also too, at least three younger mages (who would probably be even less likely be allowed to leave) are gone for exstended periods of time both before and after ACtA. And none of them really try to hide who they are to those they are interacting with - even if the mages want the galaxy to believe they are all but dead. So why could Galen help Vir and the others out in person but was not allowed to help Sheriden in person? In "Warzone" (which most people dislike and try to ignore) he says he was asked to leave because he had too much outside contact - though we later learn (in an unaired script) of a different reason.

The younger mages in "The Legions of Fire" trilogy first say they are initiates or cloistered (or something - I don't have the books and it's been a few years) but obviousily they cannot be still canidates for I don't they ran around with those (again I forget the name) things attatched to them that Galen had at the beginning of "The Passing of the Techno-Mages" trilogy. Plus, we still have yet to learn if the mages initiate any new members (won't say the spoiler reasons here). Kane was mentioned in both trilogies - was he the same one and was that intentional or just a coinicedence?

I liked Peter David's books, but I was wondering how much of the mages were part of the outline by JMS and how much David added; of course JMS did approve it ... maybe Galen was just trying to exagerate his seclusion to Sheriden or was trying to test him and not come out and help him in person ... *shrugs*

Any thoughts?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
Okay, so I watched ACtA again last night and I was thinking ... the way Galen describe it, the Techno-Mage Circle really frowns on his outside contact and it seems he isn't allowed to leave the Hiding Place ... yet in the Legions of Fire books, he does leave - and leave only days before the events of ACtA.


He isn't allowed to leave the hiding place, except when the Circle sends him on missions (like in the Technomage trilogy). In the Centauri trilogy, when we see Galen just after the destruction of the Shadow base, that was probably a mission.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
Also too, at least three younger mages (who would probably be even less likely be allowed to leave) are gone for extended periods of time both before and after ACtA. And none of them really try to hide who they are to those they are interacting with - even if the mages want the galaxy to believe they are all but dead.


Well Kane, Gwynne and Finian don't actually go about advertising their presence, either. The bad guys who come across them, usually end up dead. These three are probably on missions from the Circle as well.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
So why could Galen help Vir and the others out in person but was not allowed to help Sheriden in person?


What's the big deal with whether or not Galen helped them in person? Galen helped Sheridan plenty in ACtA.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
In "Warzone" (which most people dislike and try to ignore) he says he was asked to leave because he had too much outside contact - though we later learn (in an unaired script) of a different reason.


What he tells Gideon in what was to be an introductory episode, and what we learn in a mid-season episode very well may be different. He was trying to keep his shadowtech connection from Gideon, probably in trying to prevent Gideon trying to chase down a cure through Galen (and Galen knowing that such a cure would be just as bad or worse than the disease). Galen wanted them to find a real cure, not the Shadow one that Earth eventually falls for (at which point Gideon takes the Excalibur renegade, and then finds the real cure).

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
The younger mages in "The Legions of Fire" trilogy first say they are initiates or cloistered (or something - I don't have the books and it's been a few years) but obviousily they cannot be still canidates for I don't they ran around with those (again I forget the name) things attatched to them that Galen had at the beginning of "The Passing of the Techno-Mages" trilogy.


They are of the same initiation class as Galen, Elizar, Razeel, Isabelle, Fed, Gowen, etc. It's just that they have been cloistered in the hiding place for much more time than Galen, and haven't gotten as much real world experience as Galen. Remember, there is normally a three year probation period after the initiation (when they got their full implants), and during this period, they are given missions during which they master the use of their implants. The need to hide has hindered all the initiates except Galen, Isabelle, Elizar and Razeel.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
Plus, we still have yet to learn if the mages initiate any new members (won't say the spoiler reasons here). Kane was mentioned in both trilogies - was he the same one and was that intentional or just a coinicedence?


He was the same one.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
... maybe Galen was just trying to exagerate his seclusion to Sheriden or was trying to test him and not come out and help him in person ... *shrugs*


Galen tells people what he thinks they need to know, and usually no more. Galen did come out in person, at the end of A Call to Arms. His visits to and fro the Excalibur are mentioned in the Centauri trilogy.

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