You're welcome. I forget where I read that, but it seems a lot of fans think it was built by the Vorlons. I can't remember what Varn said, I'll have to check.
The other Great Machine, the Eye on Z'ha'dum, wasn't explored so much beyond what's in the Technomage Trilogy. But I'm curious if it, or part of it, is one of the things the Drakh and others took with them when they fled the planet? It sounded like it might be more advanced than the Great Machine, being filled with Shadow goodies and all...
I do love the mysteries, the loose ends. I remember when Foundation started doing the FX for Voyager, and they did a story about a race from another dimension that was threatening the Borg. They explained everything in the first one or two episodes, everything. So fast, so plain, like a new villain introduced in a Batman comic, where his whole story is revealed right before Batman kicks his ass, and then he's never seen again, until some writer is totally out of ideas, and he's dusted off again. Kind of like a McDonald's version of storytelling, I think. Nice FX, though. Yes, I used to watch Voyager sometimes. It was on right before Babylon, and starting out with the low first made the high much better.
Raw Shark
"Avoid self-righteousness like the Devil. Nothing is as self-blinding."
Sir B.H. Liddell Hart