I thought the Vorlon ship was absolutely awesome ...
Yes, that was one of the many things I found fascinating about this new film/hoped to be series. I was finding the Star Trek versions of the future dull (occasional good episodes) and was really irritated with the 50 minutes build-up then 5 minute resolution and almost no follow-up consequences at all - and
then no reference to the `earth-shattering` events that were so amazing (I speak with forked tongue) in the next episode (until, as commented upon elsewhere, DS9 followed B5's " a continuing story" ideas, though didn't do them as well).
Babylon 5 was so good because of that continuing story-line, the fact that it was an interesting story (BSG's continuing story-line had me phase out soon after the opening mini-series), it had interesting actors, it had humour (another failing of BSG), it had excellent, imaginative CGI, `proper` physics, the battles etc had strategy in them rather than being just bang-bang, the plot-points had strategy in them rather than being just good guy beats bad guy, and it had magnificent music - so much came together to make it a wonderful experience (and other things I've not mentioned).
I thought series 1 was very good (a few less interesting episodes and a few that more than compensated for those: "Babylon Squared", "Voice in the Wilderness" [the awesome idea of the Great Machine], "Parliament of Dreams" [fantastic interplay between G'Kar, Tu'Pari(?) and Na'Toth, nothing like the usual dialogue in such situations, but really subtle and clever], "Signs and Portents" [what did that insincere, car-salesman Morden person have to `back him up`?], and "Chrysalis" especially).
Then after a slightly shaky start to series 2 (but Lennier's revelation and "Geometry of Shadows" soon changed that), the series just kept getting better and better and better.