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Favorite B5 Bloopers?


Beyond the rim
If you have seen the B5 bloopers, what are your favorites? I like the "Narns & Noble" ad for the Book of G'Kar, & also the one where Londo uses a Thomas Guide (street-map book) to help him find Epsilon 3.


My favourites are when Ivanova goes "My back's to the camera honey, I can **** up all I want", and the Major Ryan blooper.

Nothing says sorry liking biting sarcasm.
Delenn cussing, nothing will ever beat Delenn cussing.

"So I went to see Ambassador Londo, First he wants the Shadows, then he doesn't want the Shadows, first he's in the war, then he's not in the war..."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jackie Morden:
Delenn cussing, nothing will ever beat Delenn cussing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Except one scene - Delenn trying to break the Grey Council staff. That was hilarious.

As was the one with Draal dusting himself once in a while.

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.
I think the one where Peter Jurassik is reading the road map is a classic, and I love a bunch of the others already mentioned. A couple that haven't been:

Londo and Garibaldi in the bar, discussing Centauri ducats:

Londo: Cen-TAR-ay?

Garibaldi: Cen-TOR-ri

Londo: To-MAY-to?

Garibaldi: To-MAH-to

Both (singing): Let's call the whole thing off...


Lennier nose-to-nose with Ashan (the Minbari who tried to frame Sheridan in "There All the Honor Lies"):

Ashan: You may ask your questions.

Lennier: Who carved your bone? 'Cause it's fabulous the way he ---

Ashan: Same guy! Same guy! He just has this new thing he's doing where...


And one I can't believe no one has mentioned:

I think this one is from "Soul Mates." It is a crowded reception, the EarthForce regulars are in dress uniform. Someone (Londo, I believe) has just collapsed and is lying on the floor as people crowd around. Bruce Boxleitner, playing the take-control Captain, steps forward, assesses the situation, keys his link, and utters the immortal line:

"Medlab. This is Sinclair."

Needless to say everyone in the scene (including the "dying" Londo) lost it, and someone (either Netter or JMS, I think) walks into the shot and appears to hit Bruce with a rolled-up script.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Yep, that's from Soul Mates, but I don't remember Bruce getting beat up with the script - maybe it was because I was too busy pissing myself laughing.

Nothing says sorry liking biting sarcasm.
Where did all of you lowly species view these "B5 Bloopers" at?

"Good evening my friends. I thought you should know--today has been a very good day."
Us not so lowly species went to Conventions and saw them courtesy of JMS.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Londo: On the way, could you maybe stop off and pick me up some bagels?

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Look! This lowly Vorlon has achieved the rank of Ambassador.

Distressing. Most distressing. I think it's a conspiracy.

"Good evening my friends. I thought you should know--today has been a very good day."
Oh yes, Delenn desperately trying to break the staff was truly hilarious. I just tried to imagine the looks on the Grey Council faces if they had put that one in that scene instead of the correct one....

And Boxleitner declaring he's Sinclair was great as well.

I can't remember any others right now - most of my favourites weren't even so much the actual mistakes but just a few facial expressions etc.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
Us not so lowly species went to Conventions and saw them courtesy of JMS.


That or we obtained them through slightly less than dishonourable means.

Nothing says sorry liking biting sarcasm.
That ain't not no double negative.

Run away, run away.

"The pink ones keep ya from screamin'." Grandpa
Soem of the best ones are the psot production ones - the exchange between Lennier and his clan brother comes to mind, as does Lennier and Delenn talking about the Flarn that Sheridan didn't like.

Nothing says sorry liking biting sarcasm.
When I was watching Intersections in Real Time yesterday, I remembered that there is a blooper from that ep. where Bruce Boxleitner does a really good imitation of the character from the movie Sling Blade. I love that one!


I loved the one with Londo asking for bagels. And the road map scene on the way to Epsilon 3 was truly great!

The one when Garibaldi, I think, comes into a meeting on a big wheel.

"An empty eye sees through to an empty heart." --G'Kar-- "The Long Night"

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