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Farscape Returns

Crichton was rescued by the dying leviathan quite a while ago. He had been living on it (and growing the beard) for a few months, IIRC.

Hmm. I remember seeing him in his module with the beard. But then they don't actually show the rescue. Rather, the episode begins by transitioning from the "last time of Farscape" segment showing Crichton in the module to Crichton in the module months later with a beard. So I guess he was on the module in the leviathan, or outside it after the rescue.

I think it was just edited all weird and confusing.

FARSCAPE was happily a more or less equal opportunity show, run I believe by men, women and IMHO a couple of queens.

Hey, that's cool, whatever. I guess Baywatch is more of a show definitely run mostly by men. Maybe I'm just real good at filtering in the stuff I want. I don't really feel the gay references that so many around here speak of, and of course the lead male is good-looking, as people on TV tend to be (but he still could pass as a normal guy: not boyishly pussy cute like Tom Cruise or buff like Fabio). I notice the chick action. I mean, man, look how those chicks are dressed. Chiana with the mid-riff action, Jool with more cleavage than the E! channel, and the living embodiment of every red-headed fan's fantasy. Maybe it's the same skill that allows me to block out commercials when watching TV- helps protect my sanity from pop culture.
Farscape is always weird but Season 4 gets more sensible in later episodes.

'ello 'ello is fun but not exactly the world's most sensible show. Enjoy.
Farscape is always weird but Season 4 gets more sensible in later episodes.

'ello 'ello is fun but not exactly the world's most sensible show. Enjoy.

Farscape is so great because of its fantastic and ingenious weirdness and whacko parts ! :D :LOL: ;)
If you mean the mini-series, principle photography has already wrapped. They are in post-production right now.

If you are speculating about a "Farscape: The Movie" beyond that ..... If such a thing gets made, it is anybody's guess when it might happen.
I'm trying out Farscape again, with season 2, via Netflix. I haveordered each disk separately, though, so it might take me some time to get through. So far, it's a good show to watch when I just want to kick back or when I need to get some minor work done.

I still find it amazing it was cancelled. It must have been too expensive to make. It sure beats the rest of what Skiffy has been showing.

Someone let me know when it airs, or I'll miss it, though, since I never watch that channel anymore. :eek:
If you are speculating about a "Farscape: The Movie" beyond that ..... If such a thing gets made, it is anybody's guess when it might happen.

I am speculating. I believe now is a good time to start pushing for a film. Get the film studio suits into the state where they have mentally scheduled in the making of the movie. Instead of the producers having to knock on every door at the studio in a desperate attempt to pitch the movie, the men inside are waiting impatiently for the *b* writer to produce the *b* script.

The logic is that a film of a tv series is as near a certainty as a studio can get for a new film. The pilot worked, the series was made, the VHS cassettes sold, the mini-series got good ratings and the DVDs sold twice. Now it is time for the payoff a proper movie and the merchandising.

Practically every department at the studio has now handled the mini-series. Farscape : The Movie will therefore feel like a sort of big money sequel.
I'm into season 4 and something's really bothering me:


Now that everyone's back, I really don't see why the hell they all left in the first place. It seems cheap and forced.

Last night I watched the one where Crichton and Chiana are in this Stark-created VR game. What the hell? I had to remember if I dropped acid before that. I don't think I did...
And why did Stark create that, anyway?

That goes for the reply, too. But not beyond the episode that GKE referred to (John Quixote).


Now that everyone's back, I really don't see why the hell they all left in the first place. It seems cheap and forced.

I can see that. It's one of those things that is probably a bit contrived to build a story. How forced it feels will vary from viewer to viewer.

There are fair reasons why Aeryn might have "wanted some space" at that point. It is more believable if you can conviince yourself that she would be confident that she could hook back up with them if and when she wanted to. Given how hard they have been for major governements to catch, you would think that would be a bit problematic, but ...

D'Argo, at the point they broke up, had just had his colar bone chain loops removed. He might, therefore, think that he could mave more inconspicuously among populations in PK space. That *might* make it seem like he finally had a chance to go a do something with regard to Macton (D'Argo's wife's PK brother).

Both of them seem to have grown to view Moya as "home" to some degree, and therefore might well come back after they had worked out what they wanted to work out.

It isn't a stretch for either Rygel or Chiana to ditch if they started to think that the group was disintregrating. Aeryn and D'Argo leaving might well trigger that. For them, coming back after leaving is a bit more problematic though. It was portrayed that they basicall fled back after it turned out that they were "hotter" with various authorities than they would have hoped. It was left extrememly vague though.

Last night I watched the one where Crichton and Chiana are in this Stark-created VR game. What the hell? I had to remember if I dropped acid before that. I don't think I did...
And why did Stark create that, anyway?

Ah, yes. John Quixote, an "experimental" episode in the tradition of Won't Get Fooled Again and Scratch 'n Sniff. :cool:

Those kinds of eps are always going to provoke wildly varying reactions among fans. I will never complain about getting to see Gilina and Zhaan wander through again. ;) :D (Some did point out that Zhaan didn't look quite right. For one thing, her head wasn't quite same shape with a skull cap over her hair as it was when she was a rgular and VH kept her own head shaved.

Why does Stark do much of anything? Speculation ranges from "The 'trap' was an accident of his subconscious; he just sold the memories to meet expenses in his search for Zhaan" to "He blames Crichton for Zhaan's death, has grown bitter and vengeful, and made the game specifically as trap for Crichton (figuring that it would eventually attract his attention if it was out in the marketplace)".
Interesting. Stark never showed signs of being veangeful.
But then again, he never had hair before this ep either, so who knows?

I do like experimental episodes, though. But I am itching for them to hit the arc stuff again.

In the next ep, I wasn't surprised at all that Scorpy could have gotten out at any time. I'm a little dissappointed that they're doing with him so far what they did with Crais- super-villain turns ally that Crichton has to learn to trust. Of course since there's no Talin, Scorpy shouldn't actually have a change of heart like Crais did and continue to act in his own interests, ready to turn against Moya's crew if and when he so chooses. And, most importantly, they still manage to keep him a scary dude (Crais was defanged by Talin). Though his take over of Moya wasn't really, it showed how he could do it.

Sikozu is a little too into him. Sure, he saved her life, but that, too, was for himself (hoping she would convince the commander chick to not bury him).
She's also getting a lot of similar character traits as Jool: naive, intellectual, snobby. Wonders why they even bothered with a new character.
Speaking of Sikozu, I had to Google the actress to see what she looks like without the makeup. Pleasant surprise: not only is she really, really cute but she seems to have naturally bright, red hair. Nice.

So D'Argo's captain? Interesting. If I was Pilot I would have pushed for Aeryn to be captain, since she has a special relationship to Pilot and Moya. And D'Argo still holds grudges against Crichton and Chiana, plus he's naturally very belligerant. 4 votes: obviously two are from Chiana and himself. Assuming everyone else voted for themselves, Crichton must have also voted for D'Argo since he got no votes. I wonder who the 4th was. Oh well.

I like that Aeryn told the one person who had no right to judge her about her secret.

Overall, I will agree with the consensus that season 4 starts on shaky ground, due to the contrived character motivations.
GKE, be patient on Scorpy...he's no Crais and definately still has an agenda.

Sikozu is also not nearly as naive as Jool you'll find.

The whole Sikozu/Scorpy thing was never realized fully due to the cancellation unfortunately, hopefully we find out what all was really going on in the mini-series. They bothered, BTW, with a new character because the actress playing Jool left for another role as stated earlier in this thread. I think they did a great job adjusting the character and creating some interesting new traits to make a new character (ie: the whole changing her center of gravity bit and the rejoining her limbs thing.)

It is presumed that Crichton, D'Argo, Aeryn and Chi all voted for D'Argo as captain. Think about it, Crichton wouldn't want it because he's all wrapped up in his wormhole thing and would realistically acknowledge to himself that he might need some sort of check on himself in that regard (meaning someone who can overrule him). Aeryn wouldn't want to be captain because of her own issues, both with Crichton and with the pregnancy. We know no one else is even worth considering, this leaves D'Argo, who not only has shown his loyalty and strength, but has a history of combat and strategy in wartime.

As for Stark, he had wild moments were his anger did tend to take control. If you watch closely, he did hint at times that he blamed Crichton for Zaahn's death in some way.

I loved John Quixote, it was one of those great FARSCAPE on drugs eps that takes reality and goes somewhere totally frelling farbot with it. Meanwhile it gives some interesting character information if you're really paying attention.

Lastly, be calm, the arc takes off again shortly :D
Hmm, then I wonder who voted for Aeryn. I can't think of anyone: the annoying old lady and Rigel each voted for themselves, Sizoku for Scorpius, everyone else for Dargo. Unless Pilot got a vote- yeah, that would make sense, he would totally vote for her.
Anyway, I love the fact that Scorpius got more votes than Crichton.

Favorite scene of the last few eps I watched: Crichton setting up Scorpius with a bogus weapon so that he could get shot to set up an enemy.
Another possibility is that D'Argo has evolved into someone who wouldn't vote for himself and that he is the one who voted for Aeryn. The two of them developed a good respect for each other right away back in season 1, even before they actually trusted each other.

Sikozu is attracted to Scorpius for more than him having saved her life. I think she really likes / respects his intellect and his ability to maintain a certain detachement analytically and not let emotions cloud his judgement (to the degree of the others).

I seem to remember reading (I think in Farscape Magazine, back when it existed) that the Realee had originally auditioned to play Grayza (back during S3). She wasn't right for that, but they liked her so much that they wrote Sikozu specifically for her. IIRC, Kemper said something to the effect that he had never before started with an actor and then written the character, instead of the other way around.
Another possibility is that D'Argo has evolved into someone who wouldn't vote for himself and that he is the one who voted for Aeryn. The two of them developed a good respect for each other right away back in season 1, even before they actually trusted each other.

Maybe, but he seemed real happy when he was elected.

I was thinking that maybe Sikozu actually has the hots for Scorpy, but that just creeps me out. Someone should sit her down and somehow show her just what a bastard he really is. And I would volunteer my time to, um, assist her...
Another possibility is that D'Argo has evolved into someone who wouldn't vote for himself and that he is the one who voted for Aeryn. The two of them developed a good respect for each other right away back in season 1, even before they actually trusted each other.

Maybe, but he seemed real happy when he was elected.

I was thinking that maybe Sikozu actually has the hots for Scorpy, but that just creeps me out. Someone should sit her down and somehow show her just what a bastard he really is. And I would volunteer my time to, um, assist her...

Oh, come on, to each their own now GKE. Maybe she has a thing for hot and cold running Scarran dong. :D

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